Why We Have So Many 'Major Traitstones' - EXPLAINED

This is a statistical problem.

Here’s the problem: we just don’t need Majors that much.

A list of requirements for traits on various rarities I posted here gives us a rough idea of just how many of each type we need. Adding up what we’d need to max traits for one troop of each rarity - so all three traits on a Common, Rare, Ultra-Rare, Epic and Legendary - brought me to this total:

  • Minors - 294
  • Majors - 66
  • Runics - 64
  • Arcanes - 34
  • Celestials - 3

If both the drop rate and the usage rate are a) proportional based on rarity/value, and b) aligned with each other, we should expect to see somewhere between 100 and 150 Majors needed here.

Of course, that isn’t representative of everything, because we have more Rare and Epic troops than the other three rarities. How about some even more frightening numbers? I added up the total numbers of each traitstone tier we need to max every single current troop - 25 Commons, 44 Rares, 24 Ultra-Rares, 40 Epics, 25 Legendaries. We get this:

  • Minors - 9192
  • Majors - 2176
  • Runics - 1808
  • Arcanes - 1065
  • Celestials - 90

THESE TOTALS HAVE BEEN EDITED, because I counted wrong. But its still silly.

(Assuming I’m right about how many Celestials an Epic needs but that isn’t the point!)

As for getting the things…

We get proportionally more Major Traitstones than others because the majority of our keys are Glory Keys, and traitstones in those default to Major or higher (and the large chance of Minor Traitstones is locked out, found in Gold Keys). That much, you all already knew.

Now, if we ignore that and try to use some more neutral sources … we basically have a standard pyramid scheme.

The drop rate (in battle as well as anywhere else) of various tiers of traitstone is proportionally linked to their rarity/value. A run of 54 battles I just had, all in the same kingdom, gave me the following traitstones: 22 Minor, 9 Major, 6 Runic and 1 Arcane. While admittedly not a particularly large sample size (and I’m fairly sure I got lucky with Runics), it confirms what we know.

So there’s all that. Clearly the devs need to tweak some numbers here.

I’ve discovered my math here is slightly off and edited it. But slightly doesn’t explain that and the new (hopefully real this time) numbers still suggest issues.


I can only imagine how long it will take a casual player to unlock traits on their favorite troops. Once rarity is too high, it removes the fun of the chase. A fun feature designed to add variety to the game, then becomes unobtainable by the average player, and turns them off from playing.

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With the rate at which we gather Majors, we should have the opportunity to take, lets say 20 majors, and transform it in to a Runic. And then we can take 5 Runics and transform it into an Arcane for instance. This would help everyone a lot with gathering higher level materials as we can gather Majors from gold keys, so the lowbies and higher levels alike would have a chance of actually getting the traits over time without needing to spend money.

Unfortunately, this most likely wouldn’t be able to be implemented until the next patch I’m sure, so in the mean time, please increase the drop rate for Runics and Arcanes!! Especially Arcanes, they are almost unattainable at the moment without spending an absurd amount of money or being REALLY lucky with traitstone drops or gem chests.


I would be interested in seeing done analysis I’ve the various gem packages and how they would factor in.

There should be alternative ways to get trait stones, a mini game, a new type of chest that is solely traitstones etc…

We should be able to at least exchange stones to 1 tier down versions, preferably 1 to more.

Well I opened 50 gem keys and got 8 runic traitstones. So a little under 20%

I’m not so much interested in the higher level traitstones at the moment. What’s been annoying me is that the amount of major traitstones that I get is way out of proportion compared to the amount of minor traitstones that I get… :frowning:
And to get traits on your troops you need far more minor traitstones than anything else…

So maybe some kind of mechanism that you can “divide” major traitstones in minor traitstones? A 3-4 to 1 trade or something like that?

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if we could “craft” them back and forth equally or just trade them to someone else then it would pretty nice

Trades won’t happen before actual PVP does. I know which one we want more. Both kind of distant.

But any conversion mechanism would be better than lucky dips forever and drowning in Majors.

Better chance of exchanging Stones for Gold than some sort of conversion system.

Trait Stones are intentionally random and difficult to keep, it makes it more important to budget what troops you spend them on. Even trading 3 minors for 1 random minor is unlikely as it takes no work or thought, just “oh, I can’t use these gems for this troop, in the random box they go!”

The purpose is to find what to spend them on, as they’re never truly useless because there will always be more troops.

I’m also seeing a lot of people mention they receive more majors than minors, this is incorrect. What’s actually happening is that you’re spending more minors, leaving with more majors than you know what to do with.

Don’t believe me? Record 20 games rewarding trait stones from the same kingdom, calculate the difference between minors and majors, the difference will be clear.

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[quote] I’m also seeing a lot of people mention they receive more majors than minors, this is incorrect. What’s actually happening is that you’re spending more minors, leaving with more majors than you know what to do with.

Don’t believe me? Record 20 games rewarding trait stones from the same kingdom, calculate the difference between minors and majors, the difference will be clear.

Nope! I haven’t spent ANY trait stones yet. I was level 56 when the patch hit and now I’m 61. I have enough Majors to trait many troops but I’m short Minors on every one. The drop rate balance is likely still off.

As I’ve said, its still (not so much more as also) a matter of us not needing anywhere near as many Majors. Whereas Minors are required in far larger quantities across the board - and with them being relatively* randomly dropped, its a pain.

*: Based on the kingdoms you fight in, which is basically random. And chests, which is 100% random.

No, what we’re saying is that the rate with which you get major traitstones is out of proportion considering the rate you’re getting minor traitstones and the amount of minor and major traitstones you need for your troops.

I’m certainly getting more minor traitstones than major traitstones, but considering that you need over 9000 minor traitstones compared to 1800 major traitstones that seems logical. It would, however then be better to get minor and major traitstones at an approximately 4:1 rate, but right now for me it’s closer to 2:1…

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I’ve just edited the totals on account of my failure to do basic addition. It just HAD to be a spot where it was Major and I put Runic… Upshot is that we don’t need more Runic than Major Traitstones, but we still need a very small amount of Majors compared to how many we get (and Runic is only about 20% less than Major, which is a seriously flawed pyramid scheme).

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Or at the very least allow a way to downgrade. Say 1 Major for 2 Minors etc. This way the disproportionate gap between minors and majors could be addressed in a fun and strategic way, much like the disenchantment feature on tropps.

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