Why is PVP Impossible?

I’m really not enjoying when there is a Glory Hound task, because as far as I can tell, the only way to earn glory from battle is to play PvP. I hate the new PVP because it doesn’t seem to be scaling the difficulty properly. My highest team score is just over 9,000, but all the teams I am being put up against are in the 18,000 to 20,000 range. Is there a way to play against teams more in-line with where I’m at instead of constantly getting slaughtered?

Not at the moment, all you can do is check all regions and any alliance bathed to find the lowest. Obviously you can ‘pay’ to refresh the battles but is no guarantee.
However, battles in the underspire give glory which counts and these should be simple.


Sorry i have to: “IT’S OVER 9000!!!”

Underspire is the only other mode that counts towards the Glory Hound task – you get 49 free Torches + 1 free Lantern each week, and if you use them all you’ll net about 100 Glory, enough for even the Gold level task.


join one of the alliances that are not the dark one. You will get a significant stat boost.

Since you struggle in pvp anyway it won’t hurt you.

That’s awful advice because they won’t be stuck at a low level forever and they will miss out on all the gold marks and need to sacrifice vp to switch again.

If they can’t win pvp battles now they will be missing gold marks anyway.

By taking advantage of the stat buffs they will be able to at least get the marks from goals. And it’s pretty obvious the alliance balance is going to be addressed sooner rather than later.

So I think it’s terrible advice to tell someone who can’t win pvp battles, to sit in an alliance that doesn’t really help them now, and hope that it all works the same ridiculously unbalanced way, when they are ready.

But whatever.

If they go play central spire the battles get easier if you lose

I assume you’re a newer player? It was a long time ago but I remember struggling with many events when I started. Heck, it was weeks before I could finish a Pet Rescue.

Take your time, complete Quests, AB’s, Explore levels,etc. Focus on building kingdom and power levels, collecting troops, weapons, leveling and traiting them. Take pride as you’re able to progress further and further in events.

Again, this game is a marathon. It does require patience. We’ve all been there, trust me.

Not a newer player. I’ve been playing the game for years, but took a bit of a hiatus. My current hero level is 1,043. It seems like once unlocked the Exalted Path, the PVP difficulty increased exponentially, and not in line with any teams I actually have or use. And I have no idea how to make anything stronger short of being able to achieve higher Elite levels on my troops. On my strongest team, they are all Bronze.

Thanks for the heads up. I went there today and got the rest of the glory I needed. I had no idea. there are so many game modes and tasks to do every week, I usually just focus on the daily tasks and whatever weekly event appears in the left bar. I don’t usually bother with Underspire or the Faction Assaults. I only do PVP when I have to, but thanks to your info about Underspire, I won’t have to do PVP anymore. What sucks is that I used to enjoy it when the battles were competitive, not “this team is more than double your strength and will kill you in less than 4 turns.”

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This is true. I still remember struggling with the Daily Boss dungeon and Pet Rescues (my first successful PR was against the blue cpu team, and a LOT of luck was required to spam Amira’s cast on Scylla and friends), and Faction Delves above Lv.50.

I do them for the Epic Vault Key (Underspire), 1x Vault Key (Tuesday Faction Assault) and 2x Orbs of Chaos (same).

I share the “less than 4 turns” part of your complaint.

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