Why does Boris Karlruff have no shadow?

Why does Boris Karlruff have no shadow?

Cos hes a vampire.


This is not true.

Says the vampire. :rofl:

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No, vampires have much better shadows than humans (or dogs, like our beloved Karlruff). There is extensive cinematic evidence to support this. I have observed that vampires can cast their malformed and grotesque shadows over buildings, and that their shadows can grow beyond plausible interpretations of the lighting sources.

I believe that this is because they are creatures of darkness. Perhaps their shadows reflect their inner nature? But this is not an area where one can trust search engine results, which I assume are largely coded by vampires.

I mean, does anyone really believe that these cans of ‘Red Bull’ we see developers drinking contain the same ‘energy drink’ that we can buy in stores? We’re talking about a whole profession of people who don’t go outside and keep strange hours, here!

My belief is that the myth that vampires do not have shadows is either caused by the well known fact that they don’t have reflections, or is spread by the vampires themselves. It is probably useful to point out to suspicious people, “See, I have a shadow, everyone knows that means I’m not a vampire.”

I mean, come on!