Who flipped the "F*** You" switch?

Currently, I am on hiatus from the game due to lack of enjoyment. Guild wars and it’s subsequent effect on the purpose of defensive teams have made the game tedious and redundant. Cookie cutter teams (as arbitrary as the mythic drops they rely on) being played by everyone SOLEY to lean on the behavior of the AI.

We ALL know the AI is broken. Players and devs both.

So my question is why the hell you’re wasting time trying to code “luck”?

You will never have true luck without a “fair” and you will never have “fair” if you’re trying to judge it by a flawed and created luck.

None of this is “fun”.

You make teams designed to loop, then make an AI that sees it as luck instead of strategy, and then it’s ANTI-LUCK-HOLD-MY-BEER just stomps the player flat…

THE easiest common sense sayings suit this scenario:

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix the damned thing.”
“Why the hell do you want to reinvent the wheel?”

Not even a new kingdom was enough to bring me back.
I’ll just keep checking in from time to time. Maybe someone will stumble upon some sense.


I totally agree


Completely agree, the grinding needs to be fun not a chore. This week has probably been the worst for raging from my guild. Devs, angry players don’t spend money on your game but happy players will


OMG! This seriously this is what’s happening. LMAO!


And you expect to win against VJM with that crappy team? Oh boy :man_facepalming:


Maybe he shouldn’t have expected to win, but he probably shouldn’t have expected to lose in a single turn either.


Why in the world would you take a match that drops a 4 oak of brown? All 4 gems were on screen and if you had looked at the board a bit closer you would have seen that ahead of time as i did…

Imo ppl shouldnt complain about losses they cause by simple mistakes…


That’s like bringing a knife into a gun fight. You are begging to get rekt in the first place. Just saying.

That’s just a lame excuse for that crapy random number generator. There shouldn’t be a single match, where the comp gets that amount of luck. If you like this kind of game where you just sit and watch the comp getting infinite number of turns, then you have found your game, but we others are finding this game pointlessly frustrating…


Hrmmm… Funny thing is tho… The only time i see that “infinite loop” is either when i do it or when i make a mistake… And i play on mobile and ps4 so lets not scream about how they are different cuz i know the difference

And if you are finding this game “pointlessly frustrating” then why do you still play it?

Im not saying dont play GoW but i just cant feel any sympathy for someone who continues an activity that is optional and “pointlessly frustrating”

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There is clearly a problem, is it necessary to continuously pretend that there isn’t?


For your important informations(FYII) time to mute every Soft Club threads. We will stand up together and fight you forever!

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Whos pretending there is no problem? I simply made an observation about the video and was roasted for it. So i responded. Never once did i say the problem doesn’t exist so lets not play the victim card so quick

You two are going about your business in a bizarre way.



Have any of you from PC/ Mobile seen how the AI/ Computer tends to give up when you clearly won? Annoying when it continues to fight on and prolong the battle needlessly. Once upon a time, this was not so. However, it does give up. So bear this in mind while you continue to rant how the AI cheats while others will keep their mouths shut about which troops tend to shower a hurricane of extra turns. lol like the devs won’t ever find out!

Now practice muting them without posting first in them to say that you’re gonna mute them…

Win win!

Where is the fun in that?

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Look my 4 brown match was dumb. Ive conceded that. But that team is not garbage on red day. I blitz most matches. But 1 brown match mistake should not result in an infinite loop where i never go again. If the ai effs up and gives me a 4 match…rarely does it become a wipe out in my favor on turn 1. Ive never won a match on turn 1. But ive lost plent to the ai on their first turn.

(Ive taken santas advice and put void portal in fot 2nd drak)

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“And if you are finding this game “pointlessly frustrating” then why do you still play it?”

Shall I state the obvious answer for that?

Because before 3.0.5. it was a good game, and I’m hoping that it will become a good one in the future. surprise, surprise

But that’s just me, if the majority think it otherwise, and the devs won’t change it back than it’s ok for me, and I will leave this game without a hesitation.