Whitehelm Rework

Tonight at weekly reset Whitehelm will celebrate a Kingdom Rework, read more about it below…

To celebrate Whitehelm rework, we will be running a Kingdom Pass for Whitehelm.

Whitehelm Troop Reworks


  • Mana Cost reduce from 8 to 7
  • Damage Taken reduced from 7 to 3


  • Reinforced trait changed to Armored


  • Boost Ratio increased from 5:1 to 2:1

High Paladin

  • Mana Cost reduce from 13 to 12

Sacred Guardian

  • Spell will now also create 2 Angel Gems
  • Armored trait changed to Holy Armor

War Cleric

  • Spell chanced to also create 2 Angel Gems


  • Spell now also creates 1 Angel Gem

Grand Inquisitor

  • Spell now also boosts from Angel Gems, as well as Whitehelm Allies
  • Air Spirit trait changed to Air Link

Lady Sapphira

  • Spell reworked, so she will now steal Life and explode all Angel Gems
  • Chill Touch trait changed to Spell Armor


  • Gems created increased from 9 to 11
  • Spell’s Magic scaling increased from x1 to x1.5
  • Dragon Bond trait changed to Tough Scales

Gaard’s Avatar

  • Legendary Trait, Divine Right, Armor gain increased from 4 to 8
  • Spell magic scaling increased from x0.5 to x1

The Archdeva

  • Base Spell value increased from 1 to 3
  • Spell magic scaling increased from x2 to x3

Please Note: We will not be offering any troop refunds, as we feel that these changes have been either buffs or sideways changes.

Whitehelm Kingdom Pass

As part of the celebration for the rework of Whitehelm, we will be running a Kingdom Pass for the next 2 weeks.
This Kingdom Pass will introduce 4 new Troops, 1 new Pet, and 2 new Weapons to Whitehelm.
We have also made some improvements to the rewards that can be earned in the Royal Pass.

Kingdom Pass Battlecrasher: Commander Dawnheart

During this Kingdom Pass, Commander Dawnheart is a semi-rare encounter in Quests, PvP and Explore. Defeating him will give 2 Kingdom Pass Crowns. Each Crown earned will assist players progressing through the Kingdom Pass. Each Kingdom Pass level needs 5 Kingdom Crowns. He can be encountered up to 10 times per day.
(His chance to appear will reset with daily reset.)

Kingdom Pass Rewards Sneak Peek

We have a sneak peek at a few of the rewards that will be available from the either Reward Track in this Kingdom Pass

When the Kingdom Pass ends, players will be able to earn these unique rewards in the following ways:

  • Witchfinder + High Cleric – They can be found in both reward tracks. They will start appearing in chests 2-3 months after the Kingdom Pass ends.
  • Commander Dawnheart – He can be found in the Royal reward track. He will start appearing in chests 2-3 months after the Kingdom Pass ends.
  • Angel’s Faith – This weapon is available in the Free Reward Track. Once the Kingdom Pass ends, it will be craftable from the Soulforge during weekly events in Adana.
  • Angel’s Fury – This weapon is available in the Royal Reward Track. Once the Kingdom Pass ends, it will be craftable from the Soulforge during weekly events in Adana.
  • Dawnheart’s Talking Sword – This new Pet can be found in both reward tracks and can be encountered as a random Pet Rescue when defeating Pet Gnomes.

New Tarot Card: Two of Swords

The Tarot card for this event is the Two of Swords. Once this Kingdom Pass ends, it will go into the Vault after 4 weeks.


Those are pretty nice. Archdeva is a big jump in value and I’m glad Gaard isn’t fully gimped now.

Bit of an odd change…


Weren’t we promised that

Which dev post should I believe?


I’m clarifying if this has changed. For now believe the most recent blog post as that is the latest information. I’ll edit the blog post if I find out it’s incorrect.


The in-game help on the event says that battlecrashers “have a 30% chance to appear in battle”; is this rate accurate? feels a lot lower than that to me, but could just be I had a run of bad luck.

Would also be good if the in-game help specified which types of battles.

Spoke with the team and it should be 4 weeks.
I’m correcting the post and blog now and will set a reminder for 4 week’s time to double check it released smoothly and is mentioned in the blog.


Is there an issue with the battlecrasher?
I got 3 encounters but the points will not be doubled as written in the blog post.
Does someone else has noticed this issue? I am playing on PS.

The rewards for the paid pass are kind of meh. Can you at least put some dragonite in there?

I like the changes and the new stuff. Bit confused by withfinder - her spell has a choose mechanic, but both options seem exactly the same, except for the double effect to either undead or daemons. Why not simplify the spell and have it do double effect to daemons OR undead, assuming that wouldn’t stack on troops with both types (which are rare anyway). Just seems over complicated and likely to result in players accidentally picking the wrong choice and missing out on double effect.
Otherwise, looks good, though.


Now that I had time to think about, I’m surprised Libara didn’t get adjusted.

It’s neither “fun” to use nor is it “good” and there’s nothing that can be done from the player side to make it any “better”. For something that “balances the scales”, this troop does anything but that with an inconsistent spell cast.

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the buffs to Gaard’s Avatar and The Archdeva, but those 2 Mythics were in a better spot pre-buff than Libara ever was…

@Kafka I’m sure my pleas are going to fall on deaf ears, but please ask the team to consider doing something/anything for Libara. Who knows when the next Whitehelm rework is going to be…


I can’t believe they didn’t mod libara some way.

Just to be usable.

It’s in the bottom 5 mythics, only because it misses the damage spell way to much.

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Well said about them making the most powerful mythics from Whitehelm even stronger, but a big oversight on the beautiful art of Libara. They probably could have given it a choice mechanic and helped its spell out a little.

The traits r fine, but I would have reworked the judge of balance like this:

Choose one: deal (magic × 1.5)+3 damage to all enemies or give (magic × 1.5)+3 life to all allies and cleanse them, both boosted by yellow gems. (Boost ratio 1:1).

Make her spell based on the player’s choice, instead of it behaving randomly, give her a little more damage and healing, and the option to cleanse everyone as well. Simple, effective, and easy to understand for people that actually play the game and could make good use of this.:balance_scale:


I’m sure the developers have their own reasoning… but from a player standpoint… Whitehelm already had 39+ troops and could reach power level 30 so there is a VERY high opportunity cost to the player base when you add more to this kingdom when there are just as old of kingdoms like Dhrak-Zum and Sin of Maraj that desperately need more troops. Furthermore, I’ve seen a few times now that a kingdom like Dhrak-Zum when it finally does come around only gets 1 troop (Glory) instead of 2 (event) because of how the event schedule works out.

Could you please talk to the developers and artist/story designers about making balance more of a priority? Please :pray:


Anybody else having this issue with Two Swords? On mobile account S24+ up to date os Android

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Yes. Only card not showing graphics.
Weird is that it was before the update.

I know this is an old post, but does anyone else find the high cleric artwork really ugly? The shadowing on her face just makes it look like her face has dirt caked on.


Frost Archer says the artwork for High Cleric looks fine to her :smile:


I don’t find Frost Archer’s card art off-putting, personally. It’s not good, but it just doesn’t feel bad.

(I find the stylstic dissonance of Vulpacea a bit more jarring … sometimes it feels like you can identify which troops were drawn by the same artist as each other.)


Thaumataur would like to have a word…
