Which troop(s) do u think will get nerfed/loved in 2.0?

I’d just like to see BDs mana cost increased slightly and for Gorgotha to explode a little less.

Not sure how you fix Maw since it seems to be partly Mercy’s fault, but that’s the only other Legendary that stands out to me. I guess raise the spell cost even more?

Tyri’s a decent generator, doesn’t reliably chain, but you get resources instead. She’s not bad, but is hard to fit into a serious endgame build.


Tyri seems fine to me. she can multi task many things from getting maps/feeding mana/cascade-loops/and remove mana colors of other team if necessary

It really depends at what level she is. At a certain level she can start looping herself and at a certain level she can fully reload your team.

The spell is fine imho, the hunger trait especially with the way it currently behaves to subsequent troops is just insane.

that Queen sounds really nasty, and probably going to be very over used

It’s only a “loop” if she can guarantee an extra turn, which is much harder to do with gem removers than it is to do with converters. That’s what I meant by “doesn’t reliably chain.”

Personally, the summons buff has me thinking…

Gems of War 2.0: Gar’Nok’s Revenge!
The Evil Orcsome shall return, and Grosh-Nak will rise to conquer all of Krystara!


I really wish Banshee could get a mana cost reduction… I mean, Drake Rider does the same, better, at lower cost. Well, he is higher rarity though, but other than that, the only differences are Type and colors…

With 2.0, the creature they showed in the second video wich is named Jackelope also is quite alike Banshee : same mana colors, transforming yellow to blue, same rarity, almost the same damage, but different scaling system at the cost of 10 mana.

Banshee kinda feels like she needed some love for quite a while, but didn’t receive any as she was actually more used than the likes of her because of the infamous Balchkyrie combo. Some more diversity may just be the end of her.

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Unfortunately, he is still horrible.

Some love for Orion wouldnt hurt!

I’m just hoping a day will come when I can stop regretting fully traiting him.

@Brakkish You could always send a support ticket to the devs and request to have him refunded.

People do that?


Well, the devs deal with refunds on a case by case basis. They may deny people. The only time I have ever requested for it was for Hydra when it was reworked in 1.0.9. They did it without any hassle.

That’s different, the Troop changed.

I wonder if Goblin King will be more common in gobspam decks in 2.0. "Oh, you were annoyed before? Well here are more goblins! Enjoy!"


The answer is yes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Devour will completely destroy it though. Goblin King is just asking to be devoured with a trait like +20 HP.

Good luck getting Great Maw off before the Goblins consistently though

When i said they nerfed goblins just to give them a buff this is what i meant.