Alliances will launch today, and you get a bonus to “loyalty” for your first pick, so that means it’s going to be important to get your first choice right and stick with it. In the spirit of making that choice easier, here is my guide on which alliance is right for you.

The Bright Empire
The knightly Alliance of defending the faith.
Our playstyle is defensive only. We don’t engage with Citadel Wars at all. Let other alliances get down and dirty, while we play it cool. In return for not having any citadels, our alliance members receive a permanent +20% buff to stats in PvP, allowing you to fight harder and finish your PvP goals quicker. Which means more time playing other modes.
We’re the alliance for those who hate PvP.

The Enchanted Grove
The restorative alliance of slow play.
Our playstyle is to relax and take our time. Our alliance members are expected to play whenever they feel able, to take on citadel battles when they can and do their best for the rewards, with no set focus on when or how to play. We may not win every day, but when the planets align for us, we become unstoppable.
We’re the alliance for those less keen on PvP, who just want to do their own thing.

The Wild Horde
The hard and fast alliance of rapid power.
Our playstyle is to start fast and fade away. We play citadel wars on Monday, when everyone is fresh and rearing to go, plus still flush with currency to lend a helping hand if needed. We dominate the first citadel and take our spoils, then wait for the next week. Players in our alliance are expected to give it their all on Monday, but are free to play as much or little as they choose for the rest of the week.
We’re the alliance for those who dislike PvP but want to get some rewards.

The Golden Forge
Superior arms and armour, will win us the day.
Our playstyle is to hammer hard, but not overextend ourself. We play every citadel war, but we only expect our alliance members to play the sigils they earn, not to buy any more, unless they want to. We focus especially on Central Spire, and that’s where we want to win the most, but every day matters to us and we want to give it our all.
We’re the alliance for those who love PvP and want to play their own way.

The Dark Order
With darkness comes power, and we will use it.
Our playstyle is to go hard, every day. We play every citadel war and throw everything we have at it, in order to dominate as many as possible. The more we control, the bigger our bonuses and the better our rewards. We expect our alliance members to play every battle and buy as many extra sigils as they can, to give us the best chance for the best rewards.
We’re the alliance for those who love PvP and want to pay to win.

I hope that is helpful, and good luck with your choice. Happy Alliance Making!

(DISCLAIMER: all opinions raised here are just my own subjective opinions and all players are free to pick whichever alliance they like best and play however they choose. This guide is just for fun and does not create any binding restrictions on a given alliance. Only the players within an alliance can decide what they want to do and how they choose to play. However, as a starting point, the ideas given here may prove helpful, if taken on board.)


Love it

If you’ve done all that yourself

I’m a Monday basher, all in first day

So Wild horde it is. :crazy_face:

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Hilarious and so true in many ways of different playstyles…


Citadel Wars results:

It currently looks like you either pick The Dark Order if you want to be in the Alliance that always wins or you pick any of the other Alliances if you prefer flavor text over rewards.


Flavour flaveeeee

:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t2: Join Us. Join The Dark Order.


Nahhh your going down like the other 2 famous dark orders

Star wars and ww2

Start strong, then get smashed :grin::wink:

Still wrong Dark Order :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t2:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: ten characters zzzz

I’m voting for this slogan for The Dark Order:

Join the dark side, we have Citadels


But we smell :wink::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Perfect! Love it.

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Join the Gems of War Alliance: The Dark Order

Slogan: Maybe we’ll have more of a direction than AEW’s The Dark Order!

I’m not holding my breath.

Join the dark side

Win like journey, before the nerf
We smell
And gain boils

All other alliances despise us.

We don’t need friends, we have toads :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Duh duh duh DUN DA DUN, DUN DA DUN

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Joining dark order for people who think this will be the best outcome for them…but after a few weeks they got smashed by the most they always hated: playing pvp. So the cries starts again…go sheeps go, join the dark side! :clown_face::rofl::v:t2:

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One Alliance to Rule them All !! :wink: