Whats your favorite troop card and why?

Favourite troop?

I’d have to go with Tyri. I used her so much in the early game and she was one of the first epic troops I fully traited way before I cared as much about what I should trait! :rofl: not that it matters now I have everything. Well almost everything. Looking at you, Famine!

That fox archer is awesome. Now I have to check my inventory and see if I have him. I hope so or I’m going to spend days trying to track him down lol

He is so adorable! He’s called Crimson Arrow.

This is going to turn into a Pokémon obsession. I can already feel it starting. How many other foxes are there? No don’t tell me lol

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A fox enthusiast? I have mixed mischievous feelings to comment about one particular fox in this game… But for now i’ll just leave this nice gif here.


Divinia and King Bloodhammer: Art looks amazing, very good cards in general, and have their own meta teams, oh yeah and Megavore :grin:


Black Beast, as a troop that can use a strategy that breaks the mold and still be somewhat effective (and deceptively strong).


Sylvanimora because, well just look at it.


My favorite is Mongo hands down. Nothing like Chaos in card form. I mean LOOK at Mongo’s skill