What's with all the thread closing?

Closing duplicate bug report thread due to merging them is one thing (it’s understandable and usually contains part that X was merged with Y at the bottom).

The concerning thing is them locking “can’t get into game because of too much gold” threads under the pretext of “we don’t discuss bans and ban appeals”.
Off the top of my head I recall three such threads each closed by a different customer experience agent with identical justification. Needless to say none of those threads discussed bans or was appealing a ban - it’s enough to have even rudimentary reading comprehension skills to understand it - instead it’s a critical error, serious technical issue, game breaking bug (choose your pick).

They might even claim that they know of the problem and say something like this

but latest closed thread suggests that it’s quite far from the truth, at least, as far as customer support agents are concerned - they shut down any talk about the issue immediately.

Well, a person holds all power in their hands but holds no responsibility and faces no consequences on how they use this power…nothing could ever go wrong here.