What new guild members ask about the most :) (fast newbie faq)

As far as I can see, you only lose rank points if you lose PvP, and unless you are competing for top spots itā€™s not actually enough to matter much. Is there a way to lose trophies in the current version?

(Other than devs penalizing your guild like when they banned those cheaters, I mean.)

And those trophies must mean something for the top guilds, or your options for membership wouldnā€™t be ā€œeither pay X gold or get Y trophies each weekā€.

After all, Iā€™m not quite sure they are just idiots who want to brag with how many trophies they haveā€¦

For people that brag, itā€™s just a ego trip that they enjoy, which most of us find annoying.

As for the guilds trying to climb the ladder, itā€™s just extra motivation or an extra goal for us that enjoy playing the game.

I play this game because I enjoy the game itself, I enjoy collecting troops and I enjoy the journey of helping my guild climb/maintain its position on the leaderboard.

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Level 480. Still donā€™t have both :smile:

yep. i didnt either, but i stuck with my guild and am helping as many of our newer members as fast as possible to get theseā€¦ guilds really really help gem creationā€¦ we have a request that gold in the guild be spent on keys, gems, and the 11k token jobs, that way we get lots of gems :slight_smile:

Tacetā€™s new video helps with most of the stuff new players need:

One of the most important pieces of advice he gives is getting Valkyrie ASAP. Now, whether you do that by buying and leveling lots of kingdoms or by buying a bunch of gold chests is the only part I disagree with.

Tacet rightfully points out that you get plenty of other useful stuff from the chests and it is a good and cheap chance of giving you Valk early. I personally preferred to spend my gold on the kingdoms, because that way I got more gems and keys early on, and better earnings troughout.

Iā€™d also like to point out that you donā€™t need a very strong team to get to tier 1 on PVP and that gives you 46 glory keys for free.

Either way it is totally random what cards you get, so the only way to ensure you get Valkyrie is to open more chests. Both ways work, eventually. Or maybe you get lucky with your first key.

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Iā€™m only level 52, and have saved up 440+ gems, but havenā€™t bought any armor, yet.

Should I save up for the dragon armor, or buy the spider set, for now?

you will get lower level opponents for longer and the quests will be easier if you go less exp. (spider armor) so getting to rank 1 each week is eaiser and you can get your class weapons faster.

you can get lvls faster (more stats, more masteries) if you get the dragon armor and you get more gold and so can level kingdoms faster)

so it is really a question of what you want long term. one of my kids did the spider, and one did the dragonā€¦

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Hmm. Itā€™s a good question. I think it might be more prudent, in the long run, to just keep saving and go for the celestial/dragon armor. Iā€™m only 49 gems away. I just dunno. :confused:

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Just save for either of 500 gem armors, and if youā€™re 49 gems short, you can play some treasure hunt games to get it (thatā€™s how I got my last 60 gems for the armor) :slight_smile:


bumpity bump

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bump?? do you guys still want this here? have things changed?