What is your Top 10 list of troops you want to see reworked?

Funny, just a week ago everyone was complaining how over powered Bone Dragon is but yet not a single person suggested he should be reworked here.

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nearly everyone. i still hate manti and khorvash more

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Incorrect.[quote=ā€œKurokazna, post:11, topic:15885ā€]
Bone Dragon. Reduce scaling, increase base skulls. Simple 'nuff

But you do have a point. Maybe people finally realized that juking Manticore isnā€™t hard, and it doesnā€™t give your opponents any mana advantage if you choose to juke it. Bone Dragon wasnā€™t the problem there. It was sloppy play versus Manticore allowing a medium cost troop with a decent spell and high punishing capability to take advantage of people misplaying.

Or maybe itā€™s because Kraken now devours the last slot, forcing one of the two Manticores back away from the front, allowing a Khorvash to drain Deep Borer and prevent the whole mess from occuring in the first place.

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I want them tweaked to have just a hair more synergy. Dokkalfar needs more damage or to remove the damage and do something else besides summon giant spider. Black beast needs a slight change to his skull candy. Spark grinder needs a spell boost to fit his lore. The ā€œdeal 2x damage if target is ____ā€ i want to be made ā€œdeal 3x damage if target is _____ā€ spider swarm needs more damage at least till it and goblin can do about 10 to 15 damage per cast at max level without magic buffs. Tyri had a passive buff, so i am sorta ok with where she is. Wraith, well do both, it might not even break the game. Scale guard with fire linkā€¦just kidding, but 3x damage would be nice. No nerfs just buffs.

Something iā€™ve been thinking in these lines: Some traits also adds very little as the game is progressing. Take Regeneration as example. Healing one point of damage serves basically no purpose at all later, but if at diferent level tiers of our hero Regeneration would heal more maybe it would become viable again. Example:

At level 1 to level 199: Regen 1 life.
At level 200 to level 299: Regen 2 life.
At level 300 to level 399: Regen 3 life.
Some other traits could follow the formula as well, but maybe with less tiers escalating Armor Regen, Life Drain, Attack gain from Frenzy and such.

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I think it has more to do with Bone Dragon being the best skull spawner by far and a problematic troop for over a year now and regardless of what players wished for it to happen over that time nothing really changed about it.

Bone Dragon vastly outclassed other skull spawners long before Manticore existed and the only times that Bone Dragon is not a high concern on this forum is whenever the meta leans much more towards spelldamage than towards skull damage.


Alrightyā€¦ time for me to start bitchingā€™ LOL :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

  1. Scale Guard - Some kind of board/turn-control would be nice
  2. Hag - Best on-cast sound effect in the entire game - HUSH NOW!!!
  3. Quasit - 'nuff said
  4. Twisted Hero - Neat but RND Stat on RND Ally is questionable
  5. Lamia - Unusable due to RND target
  6. Cthyryzyx - What to say about a troop Iā€™ve never seen used even once
  7. Dwarven Slayer - See Cthyryzyx
  8. Dimetraxia - Burn % is way too unreliable
  9. Dwarven Miner - Even when I was gold-starved I wouldnā€™t use it
  10. Gnoll

And since weā€™re on the topic of re-works this is related and needs to be said: The Skull Spam is broken, horribly horribly broken. BRO-KEN. I really donā€™t care that itā€™s been this way for a year+ it needs fixing, period. Sorry to be so blunt about it but it is ruining end-game. I donā€™t want to run a garbage team as PvP Defense just to stop seeing teams which EXPLOIT this flaw. Maybe I WANT a challenge at the highest end of progression without having to deal with this BULLPUCKY 2/3 fights. That felt good to get out.

edit: Couldnā€™t stand to look at my poor spelling and grammar!


Didnā€™t Sapphiraā€™s ability use to scale based on magic or something? I remember her getting more attack before.
Anyway, my list:
Abynissia - I think if her mana cost was a little lower sheā€™d be good
Orion - gotten so much love over the years but still not quite there
Keeper of Souls - if BD ever gets nerfed heā€™d probably actually be OK, he only looks terrible in comparison
Lord Ironbeard - his original spell, that did extra damage against troops with more attack, was a new idea. Now that itā€™s been reworked heā€™s kind of boring
Kruarg - I remember the unnerfed Maw so Iā€™m not saying his trait should be 25%, but 5% chance to devour is just useless

I went with higher rarity troops just because I think itā€™s extra heart breaking to see them be useless.

is RND a random number degenerator?

I guess thatā€™s my programmer roots coming outā€¦

@Kurokazna my bad, I looked right over that particular line.

I personally never found bone dragon to be that deadly, except when I am playing a troop like Gardā€™s Avatar or Rowanne. If he strips one of those guys they become completely useless.

I have always liked troops that are insanely over powered like bone dragon, gardā€™s avatar, kraken, khorvash, etc, etcā€¦ They give me a reason to theory craft new teams and a reason to spam insane amounts of explore mode when I get sick of pvp!

I think thatā€™s because most people interpreted the thread as reworking to buff and update things, like the devsā€™ kingdom reworks, not to be just another nerf-the-obviously-overpowered threadā€¦


So the troops Iā€™d like to see adjusted (Buffed) the most are:

  1. Roc - Fix the damage amount, and let the life and attack gain benefit from the Arcane. With a cast once spell, Iā€™d love to be able to combo around trying to make the Roc big at the right time, and to have the once per game cast be something exciting.

  2. Tau - I love the story troops, and his conditional stat gain on kill is so limiting.

  3. Warhound. - A troop that either stall a game out or does nothing. Iā€™d love to see this troop nipping at the opponent every time they gain an extra turn. Like have his grudge trigger for every opponents extra turn.

  4. Zombie - Should be spreading some disease. Eating the skulls is cool, but I feel like most skull victories right now arenā€™t from controlling the board of skull, but massive skull spam and massive attack values.

  5. Keghammer - Needs some more Dwarf Synergy.

Fix the ā€œMovementā€ weapons. They bug 100% for me. Do they work consistently for anyone outside the testing lab? If so, what are you playing on?

Look at Undead as a whole. It seems like some of the cooler seeming undead, like Keeper of Souls, just donā€™t make the cut. If it just Bone Dragon is so ridiculous at the endgame that KOS is junk compared to it. I think the undead could use some more bonus status applications, disease, death touch, and frozen as specialties.

Should return the reaver back to original form, leveled it to never use again

  1. Sacrifice - Keep the fact it kills an ally, but the boost is so weak, applying death marks to increase its effect, is hard

  2. Back Beast - Keep the devour allies + heal, however itā€™s hard to make it work, wrong mana ? too expensive ? third trait sucks for sure :slight_smile:

  3. Gar nok - I love the concept of damaging self, turn to true damage, so it can actually trigger traits

  4. Winged Bison - I love the concept of summoning a copy, but the % is too low : increase the boost ratio ? let me pick the color to be transformed to ?

  5. Djinn - both giving direct mana and increasing magic are nice, but itā€™s random :frowning: also the trait that increase life kinda suck.

  6. Lamia - please let me select whom to charm ! oh please !

  7. Dwarven Slayer - again, I love the concept. Yet expensive (also the French translation is L.A.M.E.)

  8. One shot troops - like Tassarion, Rohk and Illuminated feels underpowered and never used, too long to trigger

  9. Tauros - feels weak, damage is split, why is he immune to poison ?

  10. Twisted Hero, Old Witch - too random

also knoll, cyrytyxxofwhateverthename, borealis, dracos 1337, dwarven miner, moa, quasit, dwarven lord, satyr - feel underpowered


Her name is ā€œCathyā€
(Actually Cthryzyx)

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Thatā€™s exactly how I saw it.

Goblin (increase the mana cost from 6 to 9)
Abhorath (buff its 3rd trait is all Iā€™m asking)
Templar (decrease the boost ratio from 5:1 to at least 3:1)
Shadow Hunter (increase the boost ratio from 3:1 to 4:1, sheā€™s way too powerful)
Gloom Leaf (can he gain more than 2 attack?)
Rock Worm (increase the mana cost from 8 to 9 or 10)
Queen Mab (an overpowered troop, end of story)
Venoxia (increase the damage from 2 to 4, plus add 2 more damage if the enemy is poisoned)
Sheggra (make 9 red gems instead of 6)
Twisted Hero (his spell is questionable at best)
Reaver (I want the old Reaver back)
Sunweaver (spell is fine, her traits on the other hand are very lame)
Almost all Groshā€™Nak troops (Cyclops and Drake Rider are the only good troops, the rest needs some big improvement, especially Garā€™Nok)

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Dwarven Miner for 7Mana - Destroy a Gem. Gain [Magic x3] Gold and Mana of destroyed Color [Magic x1]
Could be used to loop himself and/or fill other troops. With more Gold he fits with pirates

Gloom Leaf - Thorns for 100% reflection

Aziris - Reduce necessary purple gems for refill to 10

Bombardier - 100% burn for his spell

Cthyryzyx - 100% jumble the board with extra turn

Dimetraxia - Burn 2 enemies for his spell instead of 25% to all

Djinn - No heal. Gems and Magic together

Dwarven Slayer - Kill the target. Sniping :slight_smile:

Elwyn - Make it true dmg

Fortress Gate - Gain [Magic +3] Armor and deal dmg to a target for lost armor

Garā€™Nok - First Summon Orc, Deal 1 true dmg to allies and first ally gain 20 attack

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Liked cept for garnokh, he just needs true dmg to proc on hit ally passives and bam hes fixed and fun for deckbuilding