What is this thing?


This gold border with a gem in the corner has started popping up randomly during matches. I can’t figure out any pattern to it, although it tends to pop up after spells are cast, and disappears when you click on the affected troop. Does anyone know what it is and what it’s doing?

ETA: I’m on Android. It also sometimes pops up after 4-gem matches.

It’s just a cursor for when you’re using a troop (like Zuul’Goth) that has to target a single enemy.

I wouldn’t be familiar on how it acts on Android though.

Hm. On Android you just tap to select, so you normally don’t need a cursor like that. Seems like it may be related to the other issue I reported, with random things being “selected” since the last update.

  • Nick Buckley

From what I can tell, that’s just part of the regular mouseover highlight, that has been included recently. I would not have necessarily needed it, but I guess it doesn’t hurt that much (although stuff like guild rankings becomes a flickering lightshow now).

At least for me, it is showing whenever I hover my mouse over any troop, friend or foe, no matter if I got a spell ready.

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Got it, that makes sense. So it sounds like it’s a new feature that works on PC, but it’s causing some glitches on Android.

  • Nick Buckley

I’m on Android too and it’s really buggy. It’s pretty annoying :sweat_smile: Doesn’t usually pop up when you select a troop, but does sometimes.

I would assume, it is a feature to help console players primarily.