What is the purpose of getting battlecrashers in the vault rewards

I just returned to the game from a very long hiatus, so I admit I am a bit uninformed, but what is the purpose of getting battlecrashers as a vault reward? Cedric you can use in a team, Tarot cards you can use for crafting and even in some teams, but what is the point of getting the card that has the 1 in 3 chances to disappear from the team? I am never making one with such cards in them. Is the only purpose of these cards completing the collection? If so, will the cards stop once you reach mythic level with them, like guardians from the guild chests did?

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Yes, they’re for collection completion only, and no, they never stop dropping.


Just like minor levelup orbs, they’re meant only to spoil drop table so you won’t get best rewards most of the time.

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@Theoden @DracoL1ch Thanks, guys