What is happening with Guild Wars?

I have played every GW since this game came out. Where is the game mode?, why is it consistently canceled?, is it coming back?


A few weeks ago they forgot to actually cancel it on Switch, which led to 1-2 days where you could set Defense teams and try to battle, but (for some reasons specific to the PVP rework) the game would error out and/or crash.

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If this had happened on other platforms, it would have been a PR nightmare. Yet, it would have forced an immediate response and apology from the devs.

It might have even convinced them to change their ways and actually take our feedback into consideration. (Oh wait, the holiday disaster aka “krinklemas” didn’t really change things, so nevermind). Well, this man is going to keep dreaming. A nice, long dream, sleeping under a big, blue sky…


They mentioned somewhere that if they remove the GW announcement it causes problems in the game somewhere else, hence they keep putting the GW announcements in…check the threads on the Forum, can’t remember where it was discussed.

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It’s coming back as soon as they find how monetize it.


That is such a simple response, but it is so true!

Dolla Dolla bills! Let it rain!:money_mouth_face:

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