What if players were grateful for the Devs?

It’s more about people not balancing the extremes very well.

If you love the game and show it, some people might “rain on your parade” because they are clearly unhappy about some issues.

If you complain about issues, that should have been carefully considered and addressed after happening more than once, then there are also people who will show up and twist the discussion in an attempt to censor you.

GoW really have positive and negative aspects, sometimes the same thing presents both aspects like:

  • It’s a game with some very fast dynamics and weekly events, on one hand it keeps the game fresh in a sense that there is always some new troop released every week, but on the other hand it also presents a challenge for the developers to keep everything under control and free of bugs.

Every player EXPECTS a game to work without flaws, this applies to any game, but GoW players in varying degrees UNDERSTANDS that bugs happens and generally speaking our community shows a lot of goodwill enduring these. But the time it takes to fix some bugs is hardly outpacing the time new bugs comes out, so even goodwill runs out eventually…

And the recent server issues we are having every weekend are hardly helping at all… To quote a very witty comment from a fine gentleman:

Errr… very relevant, but i meant this other quote:

Anyway Zeddicus, you should feel free to express yourself in the forums to your heart’s content as long as you follow the rules. :slightly_smiling_face: