What I miss about the old Campaigns is

First, the lore. Older Campaigns were almost exclusively World Event based, and while the design of the events themselves barely varied, each event was accompanied by a unique snippet of world lore, something we get in NO other event format. Which helped make it feel like you were actually DOING something relevant to the campaign lore.

In contrast, current Campaigns rotate (almost formulaically) between a World Event, Tower of Doom, Raid Boss, Tower Invasion, and I feel like there’s one more weeklong format I’m forgetting about…

Which means that, for the average campaign we only get two weeks of extra (event-specified) lore to help describe the progress of the Campaign, and only two weeks of actually doing a Campaign-specific event.

But. Recently I realized there may have been another, more “pragmatic” reason for this new (and fairly strict) rotation: World Events uniquely rewarded you with Event Tokens, which were converted to Tokens of Seasons after the event ended, and (depending on your Gem budget and overall Guild progress) made them an easy source of Epic Medals to medal more Troops with!

Anyone else notice this?


Yep and it happened just after the bug became widely known that enabled you to medal something with event medals before weekly reset and still receive the medals of seasons at reset.


That wasn’t a “coincidence” that they fixed this and that’s why I keep beneficial secrets to myself. And yes, the lore was much better in the older campaigns. Now, all it seems like we’re doing is chasing a villain around Krystara and then sealing them away only to bring them back to save the world again in a future camapign.:rofl:


Yes miss those medals a lot. Soooo many Epic troops. And I have to think the original medal drop rates were calculated with the weekly world event medal drops in mind. @Sokun, could the devs take a look at the drop rate for Aranea (Epic) medals and see if it can be bumped up a bit? We should have asked for this long ago - it just took awhile for the consequences of the shift to fewer world events to sink in. I can shift this to game feedback/requests if need be.