What do you think are worst troops in the game?

…and Ogre has twice the Mana cost, too! At least Golems let you specify which Gem to explode.

Heck, even Dusty Tome (without levels or affix) is better than Ogre.

Yeah, I get that logic, but then again, you only have 4 team spots, so I would assume you’d want to have the strongest and best fitting troops for any team you’re running. Having to have 1 spare troop that would be basically sacrificed for nothing is not something I would want. There are other cards in the game that kill ally troops, like sacrificial priest or Princess Elspeth, but you get something for the sacrifice. Priest damages all troops and Elspeth creates 11 color gems and gives you another troop. Dullahan just kills your troop and you don’t get anything for it. And also in order to amplify its damage, you have to lose other troops. I would take Couatl from previous answers any day over Dullahan. In fact, I would rather have an empty spot instead of Dullahan. Empty spot at least doesn’t have the chance to kill the rest of your team,

Same for these two upcoming immortal troops. Quite pathetic.

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I respect that you don’t like dullahan :slight_smile: but I don’t think it is a badly designed troop even if it seems weird

In a Dullahan team, dullahan is probably the strongest troop and the team is built around it. The chance of sacrifice to ally is in exchange for the powerful chance at lethal damage on the enemy , and to be fair, there is also the damage boost off the ally death

Also, dullahans 3rd trait gives a 50 percent chance to summon a vargouille on enemy death.

So even if you aren’t playing with a summoner (which is the obvious strategy for dullahan), dullahan itself has a chance to summon replacement allies for you via the trait. Lava arcane traitstones appear in more kingdoms (4) than any other traitstone type and are easy to farm

It may be an unusual troop but I don’t think it’s badly designed. It just has a pretty specific niche.

For someone without Zuul or other more direct lethal damage troops, dullahan could be a good way to “punch up” in E12

Edit: for example, I think Harpy Mage, Egg Thief, Dullahan, and Sunspear hero with obsidian libram or cobaltine wand (summoning weapons that enchant themselves) works well for this strategy


You’d probably drop harpy mage for a gold cap increase or greed for a faster start. Slow Egg Thief isn’t fun.

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Ok, maybe I was too quick to judge Dullahan as THE worst troop in the game. You definitely have a point and I can see it now that the red haze that was before my eyes has disappeared. I didn’t think about some of the things you pointed out because as soon as I saw “kill either enemy or ally” I was like WTF devs, just WTF. But I am glad you pointed some of these things to me. :+1:

A lesson not to judge troops too quickly or too harshly, I guess :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, lethal damage does not mess around, especially when you have a Troop capable of causing it “on command” – like using Captain Macaw against any Submerge team (and especially Leviathan).

I think you are right, especially for someone with not-endgame magic stats and no Nysha medals. Maybe even leprechaun depending where people are. I forgot that my egg thief starts with higher gems. A class with the cunning tree and the light fingers talent could help with the gold too

Anyway did some play testing switching between harpy mage, leprechaun and greed and I think it’s a fun change of pace team that handles E12 and lvl 20 dungeons just fine

Ok guys and girls, you convinced me that Dullahan is, in fact, NOT the worst troop in the game. I guess the strong candidate for that dubious “honor” would be Ogre? I guess he could at least be scrificed to Dullahan :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

strong yeah, though I wouldn’t put it number 1.

The spell is a major stinker, but you might accidentally trigger a gargoyle gem or some random fancy gem on the board that isn’t 100% useless. Its also explode a gem, so you’re still getting a minute amount of mana generation. The only thing that keeps it off contention for me is the traits. Its one of those maybe if the battle goes for 1 hour+ and I have a way to heal troops, then Ogre will eventually have a useful amount of attack buff to not be the worst thing ever.

Take a look at Rat Swarm:

The primary function is damage, but its doing half its magic AND doing it as scatter damage. The traits are pretty awful too, something that can’t save you from basically anything. There’s almost no case where you’d want to use this over anything else. Common troop traits don’t have to suck either, look at Bogstrider.

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Ugh, that Rat Swarm is yuck

LOL what? THREE damage? As in 003? THREE!?

Yeah, and we already know we’ll do the 3 damage and the AI enemy will do max.

But hey, if used in their region, it will be 6. Yay!

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