Weekly region

Hi there, I’m wondering about the selections for the weekly region. What I mean is, each week there’s a focus on a region (last week it was Broken Spire, Silverglade the week before that, this week it’s Khaziel) so I always make a team for that week’s region and work on building them up through adventures etc.

But what about Merlantis? And Blackhawk? Sins of Miraj? I feel they (and there are probably more) haven’t been featured as a weekly region for a very long time but Silverglade and Khaziel we’ve definitely done within the few months.

I hope these other regions get some love soon!


Welcome to the community forums!

There’s a very cool site by Taran which gives weekly event spoilers where you can see the upcoming kingdoms. GoW Weekly Events

You can also go back to the main menu and click on ‘upcoming troops’ from which you can deduce a bit further as to which kingdoms are approaching. :blush:


It would be nice if they just cycled through the weekly kingdoms in order, wouldn’t it? But, alas, they don’t. They definitely favor some kingdoms. They don’t even favor the newer kingdoms, that need more of the troops/weapons/pets to advance power levels.


There are 38 kingdoms now. If they merely cycled through everything in order, you’d see a kingdom roughly once every nine months.

So it probably shouldn’t be surprising that you haven’t seen certain kingdoms in a very long time. Or “ever”, if you’re a relatively new player and haven’t been around for long enough.

Merlantis is coming up in a few weeks at the end of the current campaign, but I don’t have a solid answer on the others you’ve asked about.

Thank you for the replies folks. Kezef, I get what you’re saying but it just seems odd to me to favour some over others. I wonder how they decide which ones to feature then.