Weekly Dungeon Dragonite Deal + 10% perfect run chance is too low

It would be nice if we could get a once a week dungeon deal on dragonite like we do diamonds.

That being said, it’s evident we need more ways to obtain it. Even spending gems on dragonite now and then still isn’t enough to counter our odds getting duplicates.

The 10% chance to get a perfect run is too low and needs to be raised.
I’m on my 4th week w/out a perfect run.

I had been up over 24 hrs and stupidly selected the wrong egg to craft. That set me back 4 months.


I’ve been without a perfect run for months now.

Luckily my guild finished all the rewards with Dragonite every time and I spent 1500 gems on Underspire every week for the Dragonite bonus. So yesterday I was able to craft my 5th blue cosmic dragon, along with 4 yellow cosmic dragons, while I’m still missing red or purple …

Went for weeks without a perfect run and then got three in a row the last few days. Still need 1000 for diamantina, so could be another month or two to get that. Not even thinking about cosmic eggs yet.
I know it’s probably working as intended, but the dungeon rewards for perfect runs feel really bad. I’d much prefer a far higher chance of a perfect run, with a lower reward, like double chance of 1/2 as much dragonite. It would take just as long to craft, but the bad RNG wouldn’t feel as annoying.

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I’m also one of those who seemingly have the worst luck in the world with Dungeon. I had a perfect run last week, but it had been a couple months prior for my last one. Without any statistical stats to back it up, I would say i average 1 perfect run every 2 or 3 months. At the beginning of Dungeon I went 6 months with no perfect run, but i was doing 1,2,3 every day before it was found that was an impossible combination.I have only bought Dragonite twice with gems because i get so angry when the first 2 doors I open most of the time are both traps and it makes me not want to reward the devs by doing whag they want and blow gems on it.
Thankfully my guild is super active and finish all events, so I have gotten a good amount of Dargonite that way


I’ve been there, too.

Personlly, I don’t think the answer is more “ways” to get Dragonite (that one actually got implemented: Dragonite Gnomes, Wandering Merchants, Underspire Diamantina, and now PVP Gold Emblem shop), but instead:

I get it: Dragonite is rare and expensive* by design. But the lack of meaningful player agency in the primary way of obtaining it (perfect runs in Boss Dungeon) could be adjusted, and in ways that don’t significantly change the longterm analysis of Dragonite-over-time (aka. “the economy”).

(* - ironically, Dragonite is valued 25% cheaper than Diamonds. Just glance at the Boss Dungeon Offers and do the math yourself)

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Obtaining Dragonite is frustrating on it’s own. But nothing compared to opening 11 cosmic eggs after working hard for weeks, just to get 9 blue or yellow dragons (5x blue and 4x yellow), but no red or purple …