We need an always visible timer

Hi all, I read new patch notes and I’m waiting to see how it will work and hoping all can go right, but what always devs forget to add in this game is an always visible timer when we activate palooza, bonus exp, bonus gold and bonus souls. We have a lot of this daily or weekly bonus and every time we need to check the clock when we start the bonus. I think the timer that we have now is useless because I can only see it out of the battle, we need a timer visible in battle and always visible. Also some different music when we start gold, exp and souls bonus can be appreciated. What do you think about this?
Thank’s all, bye


That would be great. If there’s not enough space in the battle screen place the timer that times out first.


I agree that events like GAP need a timer on the battle screen, but . . . where exactly would they put it? The game board is sized to occupy all vertical space, and with the player / ally teams placed left and right, there is basically no horizontal space left over, either.

Perhaps there could be a single-line of space allocated along the bottom of the game board (at either left or right corners), similar to where the Storm indicator appears?

I don’t believe the daily bonuses (strictly) deserve an in-battle timer, though. Maybe it could be controllable via an in-game settings option?


Yeah and if there’s any slowdown as a result of adding anything like that I’d be way against it.