We need absorption ability

Absorption spells that suck up the damage dealt then cast it back 100% stronger at the caster based by the magic of the troop that has the absorption ability good idea huh? On a side note we need hobbits as a troop hobbits rock! I sure the devs know about hobbits i a big lord of the rings fan.

Absorption sounds too powerful the way you describe, but I could see it being some kind of special mythic trait, where it does something like “At beginning of my turn, if an ally has both barrier and reflect, remove both and apply Absorption to them instead”. Then, instead of negating a single point of damage, then reflecting 50% of the next damage back, it negates the damage AND reflects 100% back.

As for hobbits, the name is owned by the Tolkien estate and/or Amazon, AFAIK, so they couldn’t add “hobbits”, but they could do like D&D did and add something similar with it’s own name, AKA halflings. What would you want halflings (“hobbits”) to do, though? I know in LOTR, halflings age slower and are more resilient to corruption like poisons and stuff, but otherwise I don’t remember anything unique that would make them different as a troop type to humans and dwarves.

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