Warning on holiday event power up/down choices

Would it be possible to add a quick warning before choosing whether to power down, stay the same, or power up during holiday events?

This is the second or third event where I have accidentally powered down hitting the A button twice as the battle ends and the power up/down screen comes up unexpectedly. Not a huge issue, but it can end up costing extra gems to make up for the slightly fewer items (in this case candy) that you get and spend in the event shop.


I’ve got into the habit of just waiting at tne end of these battles, but it’s not idiot-proof so, yes, I’d like to see a short wait timer on the difficulty selector or something to stop people from fat-thumbing it.


The whole ugly UI is build in a way that favours such misclicks because all confirm buttons a placed in the same place and don’t have a safety net.

Just take a look at the mail box. If you want to take only certain mails you have to open them individually. If the mail has more than one item there is a skip to end button. If you want to use it you have to click skip and then click take. But if you are just a bit too slow on the skip button then you hit the take with your first click and the second hits take all.

A really dumb way to waste buffs because neither the take all mail nor the buff activations have any warnings (activating buffs from mail rather than from the inventory is another abysmal UI element).


the continue and clam all buttons are sized differently. i click the far right of the continue button to prevent clicking the claim all.

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Note this is a usability issue mostly for controller input only. A delay before the panels will respond to input WOULD definitely help prevent (button) misclicks, though…

Easiest idea: When this screen pops up, the panels fade in from right to left (over a total interval of maybe 0.5 second) ?

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A la “Campaign Tasks” - I like it!