Want to merge?

Hi all,

My team is DragonApocalypse and we have 20 active players. We complete all basic tasks every week plus some of the extras. Our main objective is working on weekly quests and we do well, almost always unlocking to the major orb of chaos and sometimes to the minion orb. Lvl1000+

About half of us use chat and the team is supportive and active.

That said, we’d love to fill out our numbers back to 30 or close to it. For a long time I was able to keep us there just with removing sleepers and adding gradual joiners but lately, joiners have been few and far between, and often when they join, they don’t play.

So we’re looking for people to join, preferably in a large number. We could definitely handle 10.

If you’re interested in joining as a single player, please do, and if you have a struggling guild and want to move people over in mass, that’d be great.

Reply here, and I’ll check every day.
