Want to get new players to stay and keep old ones? Listen to us: stop pushing pvp. Your players do not want it. Listen to our suggestions

I think they already complained about quadruple firebomb. Too boring or something. :roll_eyes: Maybe I dreamt it but I have a memory of the “omg all I ever see is firebomb teams! WAHHHHHH!” - chorus.

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Fair point. I am not in such a situation myself.

Because of that third trait. You Freeze them, they try to loop, they may miss one turn because Frozen but then Beetrix just thaws everybody out, and they still collected the Mana to get another cast. Which is admittedly better than nothing (at least you got a turn yourself)…

I don’t want potions in Underspire… Otherwise it is just the same as other events.
Also: I like doing PvP. Although I would like a mix of the old PvP and the new PvP, so you can set defense teams and attack the ones who defeated you for revenge.
And I want Guild Wars back. With better rewards. And maybe a theme instead or together with the colour theme. Like kingdoms, troops, spell types…

This. I wrote the same thing in another thread, but this insane amount of content makes me feel like I am going to work when I start GoW. Nobody likes chores, devs.