Wand of Stars

As you can see, the hint for the Wand is special gems. So totally useless. Can it be replaced with color gems count, to know what mode is better to use, please?


I think you are totally missing the point of the weapon.

First: the special gems gives it a high chance to get a match and to generate mana
Second: The bless and curse option, this is very powerful!

I think the point they are getting at is if the board was mainly yellow/purple you are more likely to want to do umbral if you want an extra turn so it’s more useful to know how many if each colour are on the board than the number if specials.


Yes OP I’d love for it to show how many actual gems are on the board, not useless umbral/elemental info.


Good QoL request. I just decide BEFORE I cast, which one I want.

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I have been thinking the same for a while

In the meantime, pair with any Troop that shows the gem count hint on its own spell page?

I think the star gems are still relevant. Ideally, we’d have a count of all regular gems and both special gems.

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