Vulture Culture

From Event description:
“[…]But first we need to defeat Zilopochtli and his allies[…]”

Guess, Zilopochtli is one target, 2nd one would be: Metztli. Others don’t look like similiar…

looking at scoring → it’s pretty close, if we ignore Pharos Ra it’s basicaly:
Kill event named troops based on rarity
Everything else based on rarity.

And seeing as board reset only on 15th, 30th battle (and maybe every 15th ? idk)… its basicaly goes with algoritm:
kill Zilopochtli/Metzil whenever you can, after that → highest rarirty

That’s the key piece there.

Only at board reset…apart from that you eventualy run into situation( depending how many sigils you got) where all your board will kill all possible Zilopochtli/Metzils and your board wont have any of them. Whatever you kill after that point, will replace only 1 battle on the board from avaible ones…
in the end, you will clear all Zilopochtlis/Metzils/Pharos Ra/legendaries and will be left with board with Dark Trolls. (ofc, assuming board doesn’t reset once you get into Phase 3)

so in “long run” it doesn’t matter if you kill Metzil or Pharos Ra 1st. Once in Phase 3, you will kill all of these battles before going for legendary ones.

In my case, phase 2 started with all battles as legendary… so it realy didn’t matter → board wont reset until i do 15 battles, so algoritm is simple: kill Metzli, kill legendary, ignore Dark Trolls.

Once it resets after next 15, its still wont matter much → will kill Zilo/Metzli/Pharos Ra before even touching legendaries… after killing a legendary i will have either:
one of the 3 above which i will kill before touching any other legendary battle
legendary, which will be higher level than his teammates, so will be left for later
dark troll, which will be left untouched untill my whole battlefield is full of dark trolls…

ofc, that’s basing on assumption, board does not reset once you’re in phase 3

Oh, I agree with you. In non-reset board, you’ll eventually get to the point where the most undesirable battle is all that’s left. I was just pointing out that following in-game instructions by itself doesn’t account for Pharos being better than Metzil (even if it doesn’t matter in the long run).

Agree with you. The way it’s worded it pretty much doesn’t give much info…

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Put the fighing order in guild annoncement, then you and all others in your guild can see it :+1:


My guild started doing this a few weeks back. I wish there was a guild page in game we could put some of this info in instead of chat.

Also realized recently that chat doesnt necessarily refresh for PC player so they may never see the announcement.


I guess it is because the devs initial plan was to have the scoring hidden, like in Guild Wars. All they would reveal was that it would change weekly.
So because we were not supposed to figure out how the scoring worked, then they designed it to not be obvious. I guess that is also why the scoring is not in the game anywhere, because it wasn’t meant to be revealed and therefor isn’t coded.

But they changed it from the second World Event - that the scoring is announced at the website.

A score based reward system that intentionally hides it differently each week how to score for rewards? Where each attempt at figuring it out requires paying a participation fee? Yeah, I can totally see how popular such an approach would be. :woozy_face:


Hiding some of this information in the “lore” (I use the term loosely for the dribble we get) is even worse. I will never read it and don’t give two hoots about it.

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Chiming in to say that I disagree with the above poster. I am glad the lore is there, and I hope the team can continue to include it. (Now, I would trade lore for fixed weapon affixes…)


I did notice that the Lore is available under Inventory/Artifacts. I didn’t read the final entry from the first Artifact, and didn’t finish the second Artifact. Just in case there are any other Lore readers out there.

And four days later the last task is ARENA. What did we do to piss you off???


Look on the bright side, it’s just one Arena run, not three Arena runs. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

or 5… :roll_eyes:

Silver Campaign tasks this week were like a 3 year old telling you to F*** off!
You can’t be mad at the 3 year old.
But you sure as hell can be mad at those who created it.


And let it learn such bad manners.

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I wasn’t too thrilled with the x5 Explore runs with buffed Harpies summoning Harpies, but at least I got to see Queen Xochi again. I thought she had me blocked.

And the Shields not existing in World Event…

I think the 3 year old forgot to include delves tho. Next campaign, eh?

wait for it and…3…2…1 For the Horde. :slight_smile:


Somewhere in the future:
Campain gold task: Finish Adventure board 7x times… :laughing:

Why would you tempt them like this? Seems like a dreadful mistake.