[Visual Issue - Known] Amount of owned troops in overviews is wrong

Platform, device version and operating system: Win/Steam
Invite code: SLAYTINE_OGA6

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Since the devs / QA don’t give a sh*t lately about the game, I don’t expect anything to happen.

Joke aside: The information about how many troops I own is currently off by four:

Non-owned troops:

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Everytime I log in for a few days now. The problem is persistent.


I`ve met the player in the chat, who has 1549/1548 troops

Same here, my troop count shows full while I’m missing 4.

German Famine is called Hungersnot? :open_mouth:

I believe it’s the tarot cards from November’s anniversary events (Ten of ) that aren’t being counted in the 1548 total number of troops (should be 1552). They are counted in the number of owned troops, though.

I have noticed that my number of troops owned seems to rise or fall by a few every now and then. Has been doing so for a long time.

Same with pet counter for years :pensive:

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And troop team spots also

Same here on XBox Series X.

This will happen if you spend the last of any treasure troops.

1550/1548 here lol.