VIP = unbalanced economy?

Not that I’d consider a 33% increase in either Souls or Gold that outrageous of a plus. And x2 Experience means nothing after level 300 and you’re in a decent enough guild.

VIP rewards a maximum of:

100% Gold & Souls Bonus (Additive)
50% Exp Bonus (Additive)
4 Glory Keys per day (1 more than successful Arena run, 3x less than guild task.)
+50% more gems with gem purchases (Doesn’t count for Daily Gems)
New troops start at level 10 (The first 10 levels of any troop is very cheap in comparison to the last 10)
VIP Chest Access (Costs gems to use, more so than Event Chests)
Free Scouting (Saves 50 Gold per scout)
+100 Gold when logging in each day.

None of these features effect the primary gameplay itself. If they added that Combo-Breaker effected the AI regardless of difficulty, or cash exclusive troops (or maybe payed ascension), that’d be P2W. But this purely all Pay for (faster) Progression.

It’s not even the money-hungry type of Progression, otherwise VIP would be temporary and expire unless you renewed it each month. It’s a very lax business model, I’ve never seen another like it.

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In the free to play market this is the best business model so far. Everything is available (sortof) just by playing the game itself.


agree. most games demand more cash to really get anywhere. I don’t see GoW doing this at all. You can reach max level acquire almost anything 0 cash and work. a lot of other games won’t let that happen and force purchases.

Full agree! In contrast to the most other Games in GoW its definitively not necessary to spend Money to get a significant Advantage! Thats one of the best Parts of the Game. Everyone has the same Chance to reach the Goals. In my Opinion the VIP Levels are quite fair. Immediately you get no big Advantages. But over time the VIP Levels are a good Option/Model to get some more Stuff. Its not a lot. But a little help for the daily routine :slight_smile: