VIP Chest...What do you pull?

Wow, you type a lot.
Each week the vip and event chest have special drops, probably broken down by troop, stone, and rarity. Typos probably happen occasionally that effect the drops.

And pepper and spice are probably just additional static values used to randomize encrypted values. In games like gow, I don’t even know why they use a salt since at millisecond intervals you can’t game the system.

Did someone ask for condiments?


Opened one (1) VIP chest just right now. And I got the Infernal King. Although I don’t have the Blighted Lands yet.

I would happily welcome another kind of VIP chest also. A one where you would get a random legendary troop or two random Arcane stones. 75 gems / chest.

That’s normal, things do not occur at the same time. I believe the independent chest timer is midnight.

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Opened 30 or 40. I forget.
1 infernal king, 1 celestial stone, 6 or 7 of that dragon. Rest random arcanes.
Expensive but a good way to get arcanes if you’re in a gem rich guild.

So the featured troop (Berzerker, Runesmith) has roughly a 75% chance of dropping. It’s not at all unexpected to get lots of them. 20/20 isn’t too unusual, statistically.

Well, 20/20 at 75% is actually a 0.3% chance…


Right - so it would happen to 3 people for every 1000. It’s not unusual to have 5,000 people open 20+ gem chests in a day, so I would expect it to happen a dozen times or more every day.

Truth. /10c

What percentage does the legendary have? Im nearly home and about to run to the console, rip off my clothes and unload every gem I have looking for IK

I won’t be specific - but it’s 4x the chance of pulling a legendary from a glory key, right? And if you pull one, it’s guaranteed to be that specific legendary.

Without specifics I will keep my clothes on.

Roughly 21% for everything else on offer excluding the legendary or event troop then?

@Bolatsi lol, that’s exactly what the vip chest will turn into on console in a few updates time. Been like that on pc for a while now. So like me enjoy the console vip-event chest while you can.

I opened 150 vip chests a few weeks ago…
(yes 150. i’m half way to vip level 17 XD )

i only got 24 legendarys and the rest epics and stones.
not a single mythic…
since then i don’t buy them anymore. instead i buy the path to glory 2-pack. that gives a garantied mythic. it just sucks, that it takes so long. XD