Hi ho!
I’m just started to play Gems of War and I like this game very much! I’ve made stream with my newbie ‘first impressions’.
Would be glad to see your feedback!
Hi ho!
I’m just started to play Gems of War and I like this game very much! I’ve made stream with my newbie ‘first impressions’.
Would be glad to see your feedback!
yay, another streamer! Much needed, and thank you!
Watching now.
и на инглише запилил, фига ты псих
Welcome to the forums! I watched a bit of your stream but don’t have a full 2 hours right now.
It looks like you’re on the right track and have found an active guild already. The game can be overwhelming at the start, but keep experimenting and feel free to ask any questions you have. There are lots of knowledgeable players that are happy to help.
@igroglaz Welcome to the GoW Forums!
It is always nice to have new members that are creating new content for our community.
I wish I had more to say, but @Stan pretty much took everything that I could say at this time… including the bit about not having a full 2 hours. lol
But keep up the good work, and ask anything. Believe it or not, there are plenty of people here willing to help!
One little gameplay tip for you: always look for opportunities to create 4-matches and 5-matches to generate extra mana and extra turns. There are certain patterns that allow you to collect a 3-match and then have a 4-match fall into place. For example, at 27:57 of your stream, if you match the three yellow at the bottom of the screen, the two yellows on the 4th row from the bottom would fall beside the two yellows on the 3rd row from the bottom. I know your team doesn’t collect yellow, but this is just one example. Extending your turn and taking more mana is never a bad thing.
A similar idea at 29:39: if you make the vertical yellow 3-match by moving the yellow gem 3rd from the left and 4th from the bottom, you would allow the skull in the 2nd row from the top to drop in beside the two in the 4th row from the bottom. You’ll see that the AI took that move at 30:13 to kill your Nyx. The AI doesn’t actually think ahead that way (it just got lucky), but there are lots of little opportunities that you can learn to recognize the more that you play.
You are already doing a good job in denying the AI its mana by thinking about what colors it uses and keeping them away from it - that’s pretty advanced play for a level 18!
Welcome. There’s loads of great tips and info around the forum. Summoning @ozball who can probably provide links to many of the be starter and Q&A threads.
Thank you very much, guys :DDD It’s awesome feedback and very helpful tips!
New stream is comming :DD
aaaaand we would have promo code ruffle!
I’ll uncover code for GOLD/TREASURE MAP/SOULS during stream Every win = one glyph of code ucovered! :DD This code has prenty of uses, so everyone who watch stream would have possiblity to use it
If you wasn’t lucky to watch it live - don’t worry, we would make more ruffles soon!! To be sure do not miss any streams - don’t forget so subscribe:
https://www.youtube.com/GlazGame :DD
Stream is LIVE! Today we would fight our way to the dungeon! And also we got redeem-code to give-away
Would be glad to see your feedback!
Recently my YT channels were banned by error of google algorythm.
We started indefinite strike in form of live video stream-protest against unfair blocking of our YouTube channels.
Twitch – 24/7 live protest (even at night!)
And we created petition to unblock our YouTube channels:
Aaaaand… At third day of our protest we were noticed and YouTube unblocked most of our channels… Soooo… Gems of War streams IS BACK!
My past stream:
But we still continue our 24/7 protest action. Still 6 channels left to unblock! Come to have a cup of tea with us!