Hi! I’m The Queen of Varangian Guard, and I’d like YOU to join our guild!
What we ask from you (minimum):
- A daily experienced player
- 3 million gold
- 2.000
- Participation in all guilds events
- Check guild chat regularly
- Our minimum reqs are here for when we encounter a low, busy week. We all go above and beyond…
And what you get:
In low bracket (B50) now, so no GW stress
All events are completed fast, as a united team. ToD finished in day1.
100+ LTs every SINGLE week - reached early Monday - with a… chance of mythics
Occasional gold dump weeks…
Daily Pets galore to upgrade your kingdoms! More than 50 each week
Access to our guild’s exclusive server
Chatty, extremely active and fun players - competitive in all areas
Help whenever you need - a united team is always a winning team!
Tired to see all those 0’s at the bottom of Event scores on day: 3, 4, or… 5?
Come join us, don’t let your talent be wasted!
Independent, strong guild (no family) - no forced exchange of players (between lower or higher guilds); a steady player base, more united; we believe in equality - a more compact activity distribution (organized, no-one feeling left out); no burnout, we allow players to take it a bit slower when RL gets in the way, without directly forcing them out (as long as they can keep up with the minima); no huge extra trophies obligation - freedom is the best! We climb fast without having to struggle, never forgetting to have FUN while playing…
Hardcore guild
TOP 3 trophies guild
Rank 27
On Steam/Android/Mobile
A golden team that’s ready to be completed by You - a fabulous fighter
If you’re interested you can contact me - TheQueen#0566
or join our server: Varangian Guard