Update 7.0

Is the update tonight at roll over or tomorrow at roll over?

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If past is precedent and prologue? It’ll probably be out sometime early on Tuesday evening in my timezone (United States / Eastern Daylight). Because that’s when it seems to me that most of these major updates drop.


Ok, thanks.

Just thinking outloud after looking at that shiny sneak peek. To me giving away 30% of your magic for a faster cast is so what I’m not planning to do, its like asking your front line to swap out machine guns for a bow. Its not going to happen. I mean a thrall that can cast with 4 mana instead of 6 but only destroys 22 gems no thanks

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Sure, it just depends on “how much faster”. Calculate the charge time by the number of actual turns spent and if that reduces by just 1 then it can be huge under the right conditions.

Maybe only certain troops can be upgraded to Shiny? This status may only apply during the new event too?

In discord, they pointed out that the clip was made from different accunts, so it may not involve troop downgrade.

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Only a few hand-picked troops, apparently 24 so far. There doesn’t seem to be any pattern to the list, just that troops each belong to a different kingdom. Among others, it contains Vlad the Unsated, Living Quartz and Owleth, so possibly not something you’d ever use, even when slightly improved.

Wild guess: Kingdom power level 31 will require 1 shiny troop.


“Next update in the next days.
People: dang, i want shiny troops before the end of week!!!”

I want to ask an honest question to anyone (even a developer or community manager if they have time) and that is this: “Do you actually enjoy playing this game?”

For me, this is complicated.
During guild wars, the game can be stressful, but it can be rewarding when you find new team compositions or play styles that can get you higher scores.
On off weeks, I like to blast explore 12 battles as fast as possible or try out new weapons or troops to discover any hidden potential.

When new things keep getting added to the game, I have less and less time to just sit down and relax. I’m being forced to get done with my laundry list of chores to do everyday before I can have “fun.”

Its hard not to force yourself into the way that the developers are forcing us to play. We want to have the new things that are being added to the game, but the only way to get them is by plowing through the continuing list of dailies or ridiculous new content. Or you just say to hell with it and pay money to get what you want.


exactly how I feel, though the list of chores she at home gives me is shorter. In Ireland we say “pog mo thoin” for things like this, well said

I was actually thinking of starting a thread with a similar question: Why do we play?

I’m a very casual player, compared to most on this forum I think. Similar to Darkborne I like to try out new card combinations and strategies. I was drawn to GoW because it’s very much like MtG, but I can still win even if I don’t have the best deck.

But also I’m a teacher and had very difficult classes last year and found I could mentally sort through that mess while I sorted gems. We’ll see what the new school year holds if I play less or more :joy: