Upcoming Weekly Glory Reward

A couple informations you may want to know about 01/05/2016 (eauropean timestamp) troop :

Troop name : Valor
Mana colors : blue and red
Kingdom : Sword’s Edge
Rarity : Epic
Stats at lvl 20/Mythic (armor / attack / health / magic) : 25 / 15 / 23 / 12
Traits : Divine Bond / Daemon Slayer / Armored
Spell (13 mana) : Deals { ? + spell_power} damage to an ennemy. *2 to daemons. If ennemy dies, offer 8 health to a random ally

Note : ? = I haven’t found where this data is located yet, but I will :stuck_out_tongue:

Reminder : as long as the troop doesn’t go live, these informations may drastically change.


What if an ally refuses the offer? :stuck_out_tongue:

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HashTag friendzoned-again :confused: