Underspire should have NO empty dead ends

Sentinel rooms should be placed in every dead end. No exceptions.
It’s been over a year, and I still have just 1 sentinel, exploring each and every underspire weekly thoroughly.


Agree, sentinels are way too hard to get and much too susceptible to RNG. Full clears every week since inception and still only have 2 of them.


You’re both very lucky then, while I’m still a little jealous. Doing the same, but still at 0, that’s why I’m up for any improvement of getting them.


This “request” brought to you by the Bureau of “Gimme (Stuff)”, sponsored by the flavor text from the Angry Mob troop.

There’s already a healthy number of Sentinel fights on dead ends of Underspire if you fully explore the thing every week. Flooding the Underspire with an increased number of them through this request doesn’t really address the underlying root cause or one of the very real impediments.

The issues at hand are really twofold. First, it’s a ridiculously low percentage to get the desired troop drop out of a Sentinel battle; it’s roughly akin to the odds of finding a Hoard Mimic card once you’ve triggered the first Mimic fight after the Mythic Boss Fight in explore. Second, it takes a substantial amount of spending to fully clear an Underspire in the first place including all those dead ends; if people are complaining now about the gem sink necessary to get through all the Boss Dragons in a week, how much more would be necessary to fully clear every last room? And how many of those additional torch purchases would be second or even third gem sinks on a given day, thus suggesting a 100/150 gem cost for those additional battles?

My opinion? The developers would be better served doing two things:

First, re-work the drop tables for Sentinel chests; at the very least, get rid of the chintzy (stuff) like traitstones so that many more of the rewards are worthwhile enough to encourage the exploration.

Second, I’d encourage the developers to improve the rewards for the deeper sections of the Underspire, which would encourage players to tackle those more difficult battles and to spend the necessary resources to progress that far in the first place. Much like how Faction Assault has a multiplier for that delve’s level, or how Raidboss grants higher “point” rewards as Zuul’goth or Ctharrasque get stronger. And maybe bias those deeper sections to have the higher-rarity chests which already have superior drop pools.


I just gave up on it. Very hard for me because I like completing things, especially collections. But it became clear very early that I was going to be in rng hell on the underspire. The bottomless pit of dragon dupes is about all I can stomach for that.


I wish the chances were greater the farther in you go. I am a super relaxed player and just go for the second boss. Maybe once a month I hit the third but always try and clear the side rooms. I have 3 sentinels, one of which has 2 extras. Id much rather see the folks who grind the whole map get them then RNG giving 3 to a relaxed player like myself. Reward the players who deserve it.


How many posts do we have to make or discussions we have to continue before the developers come out of hiding and comment on this? Do we try to make a bug report and see if they respond to that?

They know that the sentinel troop drop rates are bad.
They know that the sentinel chest rewards are bad.
They know that the gem investment for fully clearing the under spire is bad.

I know that they are busy with the pvp rework right now, but they could probably raise the sentinel troop drop rate to at least 10% to make it more reasonable.

One of the main reasons why players have left is because of these terribly low drop rates that are designed to frustrate and leave people with nothing…

@Kafka @Bramble or anyone.


Or can’t read
Or don’t have access to this forum
Or they’re laughing hard on how stupid we all thinking we’ll ever complete the sentinel collection.

Thought it’s clear by now - took me 2 years to get hoard mimic, some still don’t have it. That was 1 troop


I do wonder…

Do they actually know?


Currently there are at best 50/50 dead end rooms ending with Sentinels.
My point is not just about collecting Sentinels themselves, BUT also increase rooms count. I don’t mind drop rates, just more ways to get or spend torches usefully


Maybe mitigated somewhat had Sentinels given even one torch but no, just a complete load of insulting tat that not even beginner players would want - and as you can see NOT EVEN that at the end of this 12 run.

I think all Sentinel rewards should be Underspire related so only torches, lanterns, trinkets and Sentinel cards.