Underspire: normal and hard boss mode

I’ve been thinking about how my other game has a weekly solo mode that even has three difficulties - normal, hard, nightmare.

These modes have resources a player typically would need at the point in the game their level allows them to play them.

What many endgame players in gems would really want from Underspire is deeds. Right now we don’t get that.

How about adding a difficulty to only the bosses that would allow us to play the same, just against higher levels, that would drop deeds? Normal as is for what we have now, hard for deeds. We already have such choices in Vault for example.

The glory and minion orbs are nice (the other two I could not care less about) but deeds are what I need most - and I know I’m not alone.


I think most End Gamers here would say it’s Normal/ Deeds/ Books!

Yeah, sure… Didn’t want to ask for too much. :joy:
I also wasn’t thinking one deed. Has to be more than that.

Even if we got 10 of them that would not catapult us forward. But it would be a start.


It’s an interesting concept and I like the idea.

Maybe we could have under spire scale to level 500?

Some kingdoms it would be absolute hell, but we could plan a full out assault on kingdoms that scale well.

I don’t how you would scale rewards though. I’m guessing each dragon boss would correspond to their colored deed? (Emeraldrin drops green deeds, etc.)

It would be nice if the rewards were like this:

Normal: 3 deeds
Medium: 5 deeds
Hard :10 deeds

I would also make diamantina drop all 6 of the different colored deeds for completing under spire. It’s a cool idea, but it probably won’t be implemented.

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Well … what’s “harder” if you have stuff like Zuul, looping teams and debuffs (Elementalist, EoE…)

Harder could be permanent non-dispellable debuffs to your team (like e.g. “Weak” from dungeon) or buffs to the enemy team (perma-bless:)
Or something like “Extra-Life”. A 100% respawn chance at full health. Zuul me baby one more time!
Hmm … an automatic difficulty adjuster. If you lose, you get buffed, but rewards are lowered.

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But some weeks we won’t have any of that so it would be more difficult.

An extra investment would also be okay. Like some gold or 50 gems or whatever.

But we need to get resources we need as players, and deeds/books are what we need.

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Yep, maybe 2 of each. Would also not mind an imperial.

Yeah, they try to balance noobs and veterans but there’s just so much stuff vets don’t need anymore.

Unless we get some way to exchange something (and not recipes that ask for other rare resources), we’ll always have that issue.

Another way would be to change rewards based on player level. But I doubt they’ll do that. :sweat_smile:

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Don’t we already get an Imperial Deed from one of the early/earlier dragons in Underspire? I understand that they’re terribly uncommon and necessary for upgrades, but my opinion is that most players would do better to have a greater emphasis on colored Deeds rather than Imperials in light of the quantities required.

Ideally we’d get books. :sweat_smile:

I’m not set on the imperial for Diamantina. It would also be in addition to colored deeds. 2 of each color, 1 Imperial maybe.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Yep. :sweat_smile:
That’s why I didn’t even ask for that. But deeds are reasonable if you ask me.

How about leaving the dragons as they currently are, but giving a small number of Deeds in the rewards for defeating a Sentinel? Not Books of Deeds – if you ask for too much, it becomes all too easy for the developers to say “you’ll get nothing and you’ll like it!” – but a small number of Deeds of the appropriate color would serve as a nice supplemental reward and probably encourage some more spending of Gems.

Not an enormous number, but something like 3-5 Deeds per Sentinel would make for a credible supplemental. Maybe some small number of Writs as well. (Something like 100 per.) Probably less efficient in terms of Gems-per-Deed, but there would be some level of certainty in that you could target specific Sentinels if you need specific colors of Deeds as opposed to hoping that the Merchant/Angel gifts you the color you’re chasing.

In the current state of the game, without knowing how “common” Sentinels will be, I still ask the question… why not a Book of Deeds?

How many sentinels do you expect to see in the Underspire per week?

I don’t see how one talks the Powers That Be into adding a Book of Deeds into the rewards. The only place where you get one naturally is as part of the high-tier rewards for Journey; everywhere else that awards Deeds does so in dribs and drabs and very small numbers. Yes, the rewards for “full completion” of the Underspire in any given week are pretty darned terrific, especially as compared to nearly every other mode in the game, but there are undoubtedly limits as to how far the developers will go.

Right now, Books of Deeds are either premium currency purchases or require painstaking amounts of time, effort, and luck to accumulate.

As for Sentinels? I’m working off the hypothesis that there would be one Sentinel per zone per week, much like there’s one Dragon per zone per week.

Eventually, deed books will need to be doled out in much greater numbers. The main gameplay loop is upgrading your kingdom levels, and we’re approaching the point where every kingdom will be book blocked. That means there will be no incentive to buy passes for new troops.

I guess it’s also possible that they don’t realize that.

Or they are getting the money they hope for and don’t care about the players that are blocked.