Underspire Maps Need To Change

Playing Underspire is so frustrating and not enjoyable at all!!!

It has just taken me 15 Torches to complete the 1st section and 27 Torches to complete the 2nd section, so 42 Torches to complete the first 2 sections only.
Section 1 had 3 dead ends and section 2 had 8.

That is absolutely ridiculous and not my idea of a good experience or enjoyable.

Can I suggest that when there is a dead end you make it a maximum of 2 battles only and also reduce the amount of dead ends in each section.

Also increase the % chance to get the Sentinel troops because at the moment they are impossible to get. I have only ever received 1 of the Sentinel troops since they were released.


I have a similar experience to you this week. Only it took me 19 torches to find the first boss. I am only using free torches this week as i will be out of town the entire weekend. I doubt i will make the second boss with the 14 torches I will have unless my path guess is lucky

I play with just the free torches myself, but set a personal goal of boss 2 (sometimes I can even find boss 3), using the leftover ones to hunt for the Sentinel rooms.

Remember that statistically, the minimum number of torches is 13 per zone (7 rooms to door + 6 to boss) so finding the boss in 15 torches is technically pretty good.

Yeah, there isn’t much you can do to improve your odds, either. If you haven’t discovered the door after 7 rooms then your current path is leading to a room (possibly, but obviously not necessarily, the boss). And if the path is leading into an area already enclosed by surrounding rooms, you can usually make an early call whether or not the boss room could appear there.


Yes this - it usually takes me about 100 battles plus or minus to complete an Underspire map. If you hunt down every end to get sentinels it is actually around 110 - 120. That means about 15 - 20 battles to get to each boss…


I believe Underspire is slanted towards end game players considering that you need to have a good selection of troops from the featured kingdom.

There are a few basic rules to follow to help find the keystone & boss in each section. Apart from that it is still gamble choosing your path which, in my view, makes it quite exciting.
You have to accept that you will need to spend gems on torches if you want to reach the end and/or uncover all the sentinels and if you want to double your boss rewards you will need to spend cash on lanterns.
Over the course of the week the number of battles always averages 120 - 140 for me and I finish on Friday or Saturday.

So far I have found 4 original sentinels + 2 duplicates (RNG) - bearing in mind I always uncover everything.

Anyhoo, I personally thoroughly enjoy Underspire in its current form and see no need for changes.

…later this morning, just found another duplicate Sentinel :scream::pensive::rofl:


I am an end game player and always spend gems on torches and also purchase lanterns for boss rooms. I agree with what you’re saying however i just think they need to peg it back a little.

The way it is at the moment is very frustrating and can be very boring.

I always battle the Sentinel rooms as well but to only have 1 since release is an absolute joke.

I get that they want players to keep playing and im all for that but i just think they take it too far sometimes.

Tone it back a little and keep everyone happy, its not that hard.


Personally, I think the Sentinels (overall) portion of the Underspire need some changes.

One simple question (for everyone, really):

Do you see yourself attacking Sentinel Treasure rooms once you have all 6 Sentinel troops?


Errrr…no !!

If we have them all we can just crack on to the final boss and not bother to spend gems back tracking to uncover everything.

@TheldleOne I think you have just solved the mystery of the missing Sentinels :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Just saying, I would of course still be completing U/s every week for the double boss rewards which are really worthwhile, especially the glory orbs for Elite levels :grinning:


I do still clear the first four areas, even though I have all 6.

To me, Underspire is the most engaging part of the game right now.


This just took even more fun away for me.

Congrats to you, but as someone that clears everything every day/week without a single Sentinel yet or all cosmic dragons, I’m pretty upset. And I’m not the only one apparently.

Can anyone tell me about gambling laws in Australia? Cause even if this is legal, it’s still despicable …



If anything, this proves that this mode is deeply unfair… It’s far worse than the gem/cosmic dragons - at least with gem/cosmic dragons, it’s possible to play like a mad player and hunt for dragonite, and with more places that dragonite can be found - it is a little easier (although just as frustrating) as it was when the first set of gem dragons was released. But with sentinels? A player has ZERO impact on how many chances they get get - and 10-15 eligible battles per week with 1.5-3% drop chance, without duplicate protection, only means that the reliable time estimate for most players for all 6 sentinels is - NEVER.

I’ve completed every Underspire map, in full, all guardian battles, since release of sentinels (except Mydnight release week), I have 3 unique sentinels, one doubled. And in my guild, there are people who played roughly the same number of full Underspire maps and have fewer troops than I do. And yet you have all 6 already…

I like the mode on its own, but I absolutely hate and despise the odds of sentinels dropping, and the fact that the time horizon for getting them all is “most likely never”.

I get it, the devs wanted “a nice surprise for players who bother to play dead end battles”, but as a result, they are alienating people who are completionists - and if the odds of completing the collection are too low, they won’t bother.


For me, it’s not just about the horrific rng involved in getting the sentinels, but also the complete crap rewards that drop instead of the sentinel. Why do I want to spend gems to try to find these rooms only to be rewarded with kick in the shorts of a crap reward??? I understand as an end-gamer that my idea of useful rewards may differ from early to mid players, but don’t reward me with crap that players can easily farm elsewhere for free.


Similar to you, I always finish all of my battles and spend 150 gems per day. I only have two out of the six. This is really unfair, and with this stupidly low percentage, I am not going to get these troops anytime soon. They are only good for collection purposes, that’s all.

Congratulation to you @Pyriel for getting all of them. You are so lucky.

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Believe me, I realize the problem with the rng base and how lucky I’ve been in this. I still haven’t received all of the gem dragons and none of the cosmic dragons. I’ve had way more chances at the gem dragons (I want to finish those before starting the comics). I was merely trying to point out that I like this mode of play enough to spend gems without the promise of new rewards.


I don’t expect to seek out those rooms after I have all 6, but I’ve also only gotten 2 Sentinel cards after 5 months of completing nearly every Underspire map. It could easily take me years at this rate to get the 6 different ones.

Besides giving us some other incentive to find and beat the rooms, they should do something about the drop rate or at least give us duplicate protection.


I’m still playing for the silver/gold orb rewards, but I’ve been playing for less time than what’s probably typical here.

I meant the dead ends troop battles that feature the Sentinel enemies for random reward loot.

The dragon bosses are pretty good overall, except the 3rd dragon boss. (which means I have no interest in using a lantern on the 3rd fight/less potential money spent/money saved on my end)

They need to stop adding in these ridiculous dead ends too…

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Give it another update or two, and perhaps then the developers will add in something that eases the Sentinel roadblock. (Slightly.) Much like they’ve eventually gotten around to easing most of the other roadblocks after a new feature has been in the game for a while – e.g., how there are now more ways to accumulate Dragonite for those of us still chasing the dragons.

The developers want you playing and playing a fair amount. They also want you spending a steady stream of gems on a regular basis, either because you’ll have to give them real money for those gems or because you’ll have to play a fair amount to accumulate them “for free”. If they made it really easy for everybody to accumulate all the Sentinels, that would just turn into another excuse to stop playing after a short period of time.

I’m still sitting on a grand total of one Sentinel after all these months, and I usually wander into 10-ish guardian fights every week. It isn’t bothering me very much, because I’m more focused on Glory orbs at the moment. So I figure it’ll come given enough time; either RNG will eventually (hopefully) swing in my favor, or the developers will provide alternate means to get one’s hands on them.