Underspire mapping change.!

Looks like they changed the map generation on underspire lets see what theyve changed…

Boss rooms now no longer have to be 7 rooms away from the rune gate…

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That’s not a new thing. The rule was always by the 6th but occasionally earlier


You just got lucky, that’s all.
There have been boses closer than room 6 from the main path ever since Underspire exists.

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there is no other space for the boss room due to the following paths :grinning: the boss is sandwiched between the walls


Ive never had a boss room less than six moves from each rune gate. The same as the rune gate is always on the seventh room tile from the previous. These have always been a rules as part of the “random” map generation.

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@STUB just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t make it true. It had been brought up previously on here that occasionally they are less as per the below.

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I had 3 rooms boss once. This is bug by design of randomizing when there are no other ways to place the room left.

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Im pretty sure this is common knowledge i think i can even remember Tacet sharing it on his You Tube channel not long after the release.

My gates always 7 so far. Had 1 boss 5 rooms off main path.

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Having done the complete Underspire every single week since its’ release, other than one week when I was having account issues with PSN and lost several days worth of work?

My experience is that the “Boss is 6 rooms off the main path” rule is excellent, but it’s not ironclad. It doesn’t happen often, but I’ve run into a double handful of occasions when it was less, including one time when it was only 3 rooms off the main path. It’s usually an issue with spacing/lack of room with how the map generates as a couple of others above have stated.

It’s not something to plan for, but I find it a pleasant surprise when it happens because it permits me to move to the next section of Underspire sooner.


How many sentinels do you have? I’ve done mostly freebies and have 3.

I have 0, I complete all the boss rooms but i dont complete/uncover the whole map…

I’m sitting on one (1) sentinel. Total. But I’ve also stopped stressing the whole thing.

My RNG luck favored me quite a bit when it came to the dragon eggs – in both varieties. Which is somewhat fortunate because I’ve spent zero (0) gems on Dragonite and I’ve also had long stretches without perfect Dungeon runs. I have one copy of Diamantina and all the weapons out of that tree; I’ve crafted the first of the component weapons for Stellarix and have all six “base” cosmic dragons, so that end is (somewhat) in sight.

On the other hand, my RNG luck has been laughably bad for the Hoard Mimic. I’m still sitting on a total of one (1) of those, despite playing tons of Explore 12 because I’m still playing catch up on Medaling troops.