Underspire - KHETAR teams


Pharaoh Khafru and his third trait is a must this week for speedy games.
The other usual suspects made gameplay seem like wading through porridge.

You don’t need to actively do much to make this team work.
Alternate between Tomb Knight (often fills itself) and Tomb Lord’s Crook interspersed with 3 match skulls and skull drops works really well.

Settite Warrior is fun and of course, the more pumped up Tomb Knight is the more damage he does so you don’t have to kill all enemies by skull hits - especially the last couple.

Using Pharaoh can be very haphazard so he is there for the trait and not as an active troop.

This is a speedy team which beats E12 in all kingdoms and does not require much thinking or strategy !

If you don’t have Pharoah a Tomb Knight/Settite combo still works. This did very well in testing and is quite speedy too !



Added a team which does not use Pharaoh Khafru

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Thanks esslee. I’d completely overlooked settite warrior. Loving your team.

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Thanks redtoadstool :smiling_face:

If you’re using Pharoah Khafru and an exploder weapon, doesn’t Scarab Blade make more sense because it’ll pop all those Brown gems on the board? Sure, you won’t get added status effect on most of your troops as part of the bargain, but I figure it makes for a more synergystic combination.

Plus, in the event that you need re-summons, my opinion is that the pool of Monsters is more likely to give you a good/useful troop than the pool of Khetar.

If you are referring to my team you will note that I recommend NOT to use Pharoah Khafru as he is only included for his third trait. Actually using him is a complete waste of time and effort.
Also, blue/brown Scarab’s Blade weapon would block Settite Warrior.

Teams have been extensively tested before posting.

I meant Stonecutter, not Scarab Blade. Explodes a bunch of Brown and summons a Monster. As Red/Yellow, it doesn’t block Settite Warrior.

And I’ve chosen to use (and very much like) the combination of Khafru with the Stonecutter. Using them consecutively in a way where Khafru generates the extra turn, I get mana that frequently fills Settite Warrior while typically cursing every enemy (except Dooms) and often Death Marking them as well. And if Khafru’s spell filled Settite to begin with, Stonecutter goes a long way towards refilling Khafru as well.

Well post your team then so others can use it/ try it out.
That is what this thread is for.

My team is basically the same thing as proposed higher up in the thread, just with a different weapon and banner.

Tomb Knight
Stonecutter (Dervish)
Settite Warrior
Pharoah Khafru

Stonestong Eyrie banner

Tomb Knight as tank and skull damage king.

Hero as generator/summoner; the option exists to flip him to another class later if needbe. (Some weeks Elementalist becomes necessary/mandatory, most weeks it does not.) And to deal with all the non-basic gems left on the board after Khafru casts so that they don’t turn against me.

Settite Warrior as the major spell damage dealer.

Khafru as a support troop, mostly mana generation but with a side of Curse/Death Mark to push things along against beefier opponents.

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That’s exactly the team I’ve been playing, though i was running barbarian / dervish. Stonecutter makes things much safer, blowing up the Pharaoh’s curse gems and deathmark gems. I never would have come up with it without esslee’s original team.