Immortal troops are an okay(ish) addition to PvP.
BUT I really don’t like how they affect few things outside the game mode.
The immortal pets are now the first thing I see in pet menu as I have it set on “upgradable”. It’s confusing and takes away space from the actually upgradable pets, the ones that can really be upgraded at that moment.
The kingdom power lvl menu shows you have the needed amount of troops to upgrade to lvl 20 or fully trait for next pwr lvl. Once opening the troop menu for a kingdom and searching for that troop, you come to realize it’s just that Immortal troop messing with the numbers although it can’t be upgraded at that moment. This is something I fall for time after time…
That and Immortal Weapons pretending to be upgradeable when they really aren’t at that moment. Most weeks when there’s a new weapon, I have to sift through them and Razorclaw to find the new weapon.
Speaking of taking real money. . . Beware of the PvP Store packs offering 200 immortal souls. You do NOT receive 200 immortal souls if you don’t have the immortal yet. 10 souls are immediately deducted from the purchase with no explanation for it whatsoever.
I put a ticket in and was told why I didn’t receive what I had expected to receive for my money. Jeto said she’d ask the devs to make that clear in future, but I cannot level up Abaddon as I’d intended as I am 10 souls short of the 200 needed for level 6.
Oh yes, the math is correct, but I felt blindsided by the way the pack was promoted. Not Abaddon and 190 immortal souls, or a disclaimer like Steam does for add-on DLC that we must have Abaddon in our collection for the full 200, or 190 + the immortal. Better to feel as though we are getting more value for the buck than less.