Two mobile earlyish-game players looking for casual but active guild

My dad (Myrdin, level 330) and I (Noctis, level 461) are mobile players in a guild where there is little to no participation in guild seals and activities outside of us and the leader. It’s a struggle for the guild to get 10k seals every week, so we are looking for a more active guild.

We both get at least 1000 seals per week, participate in the guild events, and contribute some trophies (I usually net around 75-100 a week, my dad gets around 25-50). We don’t contribute much gold yet as we’re both still working on leveling our kingdoms to 10, but once we’ve done that we’ll be able to contribute more.

I use chat apps like Discord but my dad doesn’t, so we’d prefer a guild that does not require one.

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