Two birds, one stone - Or how to fix the end game soul issue AND card rarity

Im come to similar mind set sadly. After i was missing 3-4 mythics i was still thinking ill get them all one day. Now i know i wont. I have only 3 different base mythics, and the chances of getting a specific mythic are decreasing for me every month, while im still not getting them. 250 gem keys should in 40% result in mythic? Well im way bellow that avaragem considerining i open around 150-200 gem keys each week and i havet gotten a mythic in 2 months.


Or the Devs could put in a way for players to give those excess resources tgat they don’t need to tge newer players.

You know… because the Kings of Gems aren’t just in it for themselves… right?

They already have that, it’s called a guild.


Agreed. Those that play/work 80+ hours per week should simply be giving all their goods to those that put in 10 minutes a month. GoW: just your average job.

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I am reading these last few comments and just keep coming back to a PITY counter.
If you buy a gem chest it moves the ticker 1 spot closer to a guaranteed mythic. If you buy. VIP chest it moves the ticker 10 spots closer. After 1000 ticks without a mythic… BAM… guaranteed mythic!

Done and done. :wink:


I support the pity counter 100%. Always have, always will. Not sure what numbers would be “fair” but its the best idea to date, imo.

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Love the cashing in any resources for gold (especially souls and traitstones).

Love the pity button.

Another idea I had was another ascension called retirement. It costs 10 times the soul cost and 10 times the cards of the final ascension and it takes the card permanently out of the drop pool. Then nothing is wasted.

Maybe to make it fair to the people who used disenchanted cards, all the extra cards get disenchanted when the change goes through.

So removing a common from play would require 1000 copies and 43650 souls.

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This sounds good.
Because we dont need 1000th copy of a common troop that got released when the game was launched. But if we can use that 1000th copy to make it si that we dont get 1001 of that troop, then thats good.

Doesn’t sound good to me. Let’s just assume somebody has retired all common troops this way, what will happen on opening gold chests? If the porposal is to just roll for the other loot table entries instead, retiring all ultra-rares would make glory chests pretty close to an inifinite resource supply. And yes, players will get there, probably faster than most would expect.

I’d rather see an approach that weighs distribution based on the number of same base rarity troops you already own. If you have two base common troops, one at 1000 copies, one at 1 copy, the latter one should have a significantly higher rate to drop.

if ever, i would pin this upgrade to the troop itself, having to upgrade each troop separately, 50k souls per troop coz why not. (obviously only available to a mythic rarity troops of which you have 4 or more)
it could give the troop graphic extra glow/glittery/shine of some kind :slight_smile:
also it could require some level of vip, even if vip lv1, i think thats fair

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New commons will be added at a faster rate then the rate you could rotate them out. Well we mostly need solution for to much souls. Then we can disenchant them all day long.

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No, they won’t, because the retirement mechanism picks up momentum with each retired troop. Once all common troops are retired, getting 1k copies of a newly released one would only require roughly 2k gold chests, which takes a few days at most.

You are saying like that would be bad?
God forbid that after 2 years of playing you get some troop faster.


I believe it is. Sort of like the Bone Dragon treatment, it works at first, then it gets out of hand in a very spectacular way.

That I wouldn’t mind. Provided that it really is “some troops faster” instead of “most troops immediately”.

It could also be that it starts off a bit more than the last ascension and that each new retirement costs more and more based on how few cards are left in the drop pool of a given rarity. If you wait and a bunch of new cards of that rarity are added the cost would go back down.

Bone Dragon makes me smile. When I’m not experimenting with other teams you’ll see 98% win rate or better.

None of the Above

okay then make it upgradable each troop separatelly (not kingdom) and the upgrade making the troop drop chance diminish by half of its original chance, it would still appear but statistically 2x less often

with some minor graphic change for card or its frame it would feel like a swag too, i think pretty cool feature

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I don’t think any mechanism that removes cards from the card pool is going to work.

The same two problems (excess souls at end-game, hard to get last few target cards) would be better solved by a crafting mechanism - along lines of:

  • pay a (huge) cost in souls
  • play a mini-game
  • if successful, craft new card

Uses of said mini-game could be regulated by a new currency or item type, which players get one per day, or in small quantities, say from Treasure Hunt.


Paying souls (and/or extra cards) to slow the drop rate of fully ascended cards.

I love love love it. It could work like spell masteries, effective in the beginning and gets less and less effective.

Of course, having the game lower the rates based on how many we already have would be awesome too.

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