[Tuesday daily reset] Queen of wands not added to the vault

According to the post of Kafka about the recent Cedric loot changes, the queen of wands was supposed to be added to the vault 4 weeks after mydnight campaign ended. No one in the community has found it yet, so it’s safe to say it is still missing in the vault loot table.

So, if the queen of wands is being added manually following the old logic and the tarot Judgement is being added automatically a few weeks after current campaign ends…then they will be released together to the vault somewhere in April.
But also, the post states that the LAST tarot that gets added has a slight better drop rate than the others.
This means problems for the drop rate logic when two cards get released together… It’s better to release queen of wands now , and Judgement in the automatic way to prevent issues with the drop rates

Only tarots from campaign are added after 4 weeks. Queen of Wands is tarot from kingdom and those are added after 2-3 months as stated in New Kingdom – Mydnight – Gems of War . Hope they didn’t forget auto add kingdom tarots - clarification needed.

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There are 78 cards in a tarot set. And no guarantee, that they will not come up with the next gimmick afterwards (my bet would be chemical elements).

Do I need to mention, what the “small bonus” will be worth, once we reach numbers above 50 different troop drops? And that’s from a perspective of players, who have been already playing all those years, not from the few new ones, who would be expected to catch up.

Tarot cards need to be included in the soulforge circulation at some point after their release, maybe 6 months to keep things fair. That’s the only solution, that keeps things reasonably possible in some way.

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That’s an outdated announcement from months ago. The switch to the automated process specifically says it’s supposed to apply to all tarot cards, no matter from which event they are from:

Heyas, Queen of Wands will be available at Tuesday daily reset.

I know, this is an odd time for a Troop to release! We have a public holiday on Monday so prefer to release on Tuesday along with the new Valhawk while the team is available.


Thanks Kafka!