Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam and iPad
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
The number of Kingdoms giving Tribute each hour seems to have decreased this week (Tower of Nature week on PC).
I expect most of my Tributes to give at least 10 Gems, but I feel I’m seeing far more Tributes with single-figure Gems than before, even as low as 4. If this is a real change, it definitely started this week.
I’m not the only one to notice, either. A few people have commented on this during Tacet’s stream and in Global.
It would be great if you could confirm that it’s still working as intended. I do apologise if it’s a false alarm – only reporting because other people have said the same thing, independently.
Here is my data going back to Jan. 19. I hope it helps:
From that data, it appears that tributes are working correctly. There was a slight uptick from Feb. to March, and March to April, which should be the case as I’ve gained kingdom stars during that time.