Treasure Guardian Community Drop Rates

Area 1
White = 2 minor wind traitstones
Blue= 2 torches
Area 2
White = 2 minor wind traitstones
Green = 1 token of yasmine
Blue = 2 token of yasmine
Area 3
Purple = 2 token of anu
White = 1 torch
Cyan = 10 dragonite
Area 4
Green = 2 torches
White = 2 minor nature traitstones
Purple = 20 rubies
Area 5
White = 20 shards
Green = 10 amethysts
Blue = 20 garnets
Area 6
Green = 3 minor fire traitstones
White = 5 topazes
Green = 2 torches

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Rare: 3 minor wind traitstones, 1 token if Gaard
Epic: 2 hex trinkets
Common: 20 shaards
Ultra Rare: 2 torches

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Common (area 1): 20 shards
Common (area 4): 5 emeralds

Rare (area 1): token of Nysha
Rare (area 1): 10 writs
Rare (area 3): 10 topaz

Ultra Rare (area 4): 3 runic Wind traitstones

Legendary (area 6): 3 torches

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1x Lantern

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Nothing interesting this week.

Common: 20 jewel shards
Rare: 1 token of Aranaea & 2 torches
Epic: 2 frost trinkets & 2 torches.

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Iā€™m pretty close to thinking Guardian drop rates are actually bugged.

Think about it for a secondā€¦ 1-2% drop rates (being as friendly as possible) at 10-15 chests a week doesnā€™t even sound right. What is that, like around ~1650 gems a week forā€¦ whatā€™s the expected ETA with no dupe protection?.. Years?

And how much longer is it for people who canā€™t afford to pay these gems. Decades?

Iā€™m thinking that the process makes more sense if each Guardian should have its own 1-2% drop rate chance as a chance to drop from a chest, for a combined 6-12% total overall from any one open. (the bug being Guardians are one drop pool item, significantly reducing drop rates.)

At that point, players might average 1 Sentinel a week and the unlucky ones with no dupe protection going 30+ would still have to do full clears for 30+ weeks. The ones that donā€™t full clear the Underspire can still eventually obtain them within 1-2 years. That makes more sense, doesnā€™t it?


Iā€™m paying 1500 gems EVERY WEEK plus I buy 1 or 2 lantern packs and still have NO SENTINELS. So drop rate is 0% ā€¦


Any way to make the drop rate higher makes sense to me :wink:

If you think the Guardian drop rates are bugged, you could bring the topic up elsewhere on the forum and see what responses you get. I, personally, wouldnā€™t be surprised. However, because bad RNG can always be bad RNG, itā€™s hard for me to know if youā€™re right or not.

That said, if this insanity is supposed to be comparable to the RNG dragons, weā€™re not seeing enough sentinels for anyone to even be annoyed by dupes.

Iā€™d like to at least see more sentinels showing up. Dupes suck, but we can at least deal with that if weā€™re getting sentinels. Since the drop rates donā€™t look good, weā€™re just left wondering what kind of terrible RNG would affect the collected results to this extent.

If the drop rates are bugged, the data itself wouldnā€™t be accurate either.

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Iā€™d love to, but Iā€™m probably not going to be the person to be believed or listened to by the dev team if I created a topic about this.

Low drop rates do a great job in covering up both bad RNG and any potential bugs. Very difficult to prove something is conveniently bugged if itā€™s rare in the first place as people are just going to shout you down saying itā€™s only bad RNG. The dev team isnā€™t going to acknowledge it was ever bugged, even if it is. This strictly reminds me of the first Vault event with Epic Vault Key drops. That first event, those EVKs were impossibly rare drops, but now they do show up non-infrequently (on top of the other easy ways to obtain them, but thatā€™s besides the point).

Personally, Epic Sentinel battle drop rate for sentinels is my big red flag, and the entire process just doesnā€™t make sense at all.

In an update that came out in October 2023, some people are still at 0 in January 2024, and the most people might have is like whatā€¦ 3? some have 2? Then what happens when you have to get 15-30 of these things?

I really would to. I would love nothing more than to prevent the eventual situation were it took someone 4 months to get a Sentinel and 5 months after that to get a 2nd Sentinel, only for it to be the exact same one. Thatā€™s just painful.

Some simple questions Iā€™d love answered by the design team:

  1. Whatā€™s the expected rate of time that people are meant to find 1 sentinel?
  2. How many sentinels are players expected to find to get all 6?
  3. ā€¦ and how many gems are players expected to spend for that?

andā€¦ if its anything like the rate that some people are getting Dragonite Dragons, 30+ pulls, ā€¦ is 5-10 years actually out of the question even if they paid gems for every encounter each week?

Because right now, that does seem like a plausible trajectory. No orb of treasure guardians is going to fix this either. That just doesnā€™t sound right to me?

Why would these random gimmick sentinels be infinitely harder to get than actual Mythic actually ā€œpowerfulā€ dragons?

Theyā€™re not even good to show off as a trophy like Hoard Mimics.


The drop rate for mythic chests in under spire seems to be a bit better than the 1.5% usual rate. Maybe double? 3.0% I think?

But doing this activity drains WAY too much time and gems to get these sentinels. Something has to be changed. Plain and simple.

This is like getting a hoard mimic chest, then having to get a gold chest after that battle, THEN getting a platinum chest, and THEN getting a chance for a sentinel to drop from that final chest.

Yeah, itā€™s that stupid I think.:rofl:

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The sentinel rng is so hard lol.

Iv done full underspire 4 times. Iv the Daemon sentinel

My mate, has done every underspire fully, since it came out.
Heā€™s got one, the green one.

Iā€™m not saying it should be changed, as itā€™s a long term game, so we need some long term wants, apart from just the books.

But itā€™s wicked hard to get them lol.

Sadly, I think thatā€™s just a lack of data points more than anything.

So just got this after beating diamantina and finding a common chest, in her zone.

Didnā€™t know they were dropping from white chests, so cool.:grin:


finally,my first sentinel
legendary chest


Area 1
White = 5 garnets
Blue = 2 token of orpheus
Area 2
White = 2 minor fire traitstones
Green = 2 torches
Purple = 2 torches
Area 3
Orange = 3 torches
Green = giant sentinel
White = 1 torch
Area 4
Green = 2 torches
White = 1 token of gaard
Blue = 20 topazes
Area 5
Purple = 20 rubies
Area 6
Blue = 2 torches

A lot of Legendary-tier chests this week, not that they dropped me stuff that I was really looking forā€¦

Ultra Rare (area 1): 2x Token of Anu
Legendary (area 1): 3x torches

Common (area 2): Token of Anu
Common (area 2): torch
Ultra Rare (area 2): 2x Token of Yasmine

Rare (area 4): 10x Garnet

Common (area 5): torch
Legendary (area 5): 3x torches

Legendary (area 6): 3x Arcane Spirit traitstone
Legendary (area 6): 3x torches
Legendary (area 6): 3x Bone Trinket

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Rare: Token of Gaard
Common: 20 shaards, 5 emeralds
Legendary: 3 arcane shield traitstones

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my 1st oneā€¦ gray chest


I have 1/6. Drop rate seems way too low.