Treasure Guardian Community Drop Rates

2 minors
20 shards
20 shards

10 writs

20 torches
2 tokens of Anu
2 tokens of Gaard

2 torches

Some unwalked paths left, but I see no points in spending additional gems to explore, despite the fact that I can afford to; it simply feels like a total waste of resources and, more importantly, my time.

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Just had another 15 guardian week. 3,3,3,2,2,2

Area 6 had a definite spawn chance for a 3rd, but the game decided not to. At that point, I have a gut feeling it’s capped at 15 guardians per week.

Would love to see a 16+ guardian week if anyone has managed to get one.

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–Minor Water Traitstones x2

–Minor Wind Traitstone x3
–Torch x2

–Token of Gaard x2
–Token of Gaard x2

–Garnets x20
–Wild Trinket x2
–Wild Trinket x2
–Token of Gaard x2

–Token of Orpheus x3

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Legendary - 3 Arcane Blade Traitstones
Epic - 2 Torches
UR - 2 Token of Anu
UR - 2 Token of Aranaea
UR - 2 Resistance Trinkets
UR - 2 Token of Gaard
Rare - 1 Token of Orpheus
Common - 20 Shards
Common - 2 Minor Earth Traitstones
Common - 20 Shards
Common - 2 Minor Magic Traitstones

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2 torches
2 torches

10 writs
1x anu

20 shards

Im too bored to complete dead ends anymore, it just not worth a single gem spent for those. Even having extra day, there are no enough drops.


Area 1
Green = 10 writs
White = 1 torch
Area 2
Blue = 2 resistance trinket
Green = 3 minor nature traitstones
White = 1 torch
Purple = 20 sapphires
Area 3
White = 5 topazes
Blue = 3 runic magic traitstones
White = 1 torch
Area 4
Purple = 1 vault key
White = 5 emeralds
Purple = 1 vault key
Area 5
White = 2 minor earth traitstones
Purple = 1 vault key
White = 20 shards
Area 6
White = 1 token of yasmin
Orange = 3 torches
Purple = 2 torches

This map:


Down to continue doing this if desired, but tracked Epic rooms (320) have now surpassed tracked Ultra-Rare rooms (318). For those confused, this does NOT mean Epic rooms are more common than Ultra-Rare. I stopped tracking Ultra-Rare and below a while back as there is plenty of data on them.

Not a math whiz, but I reckon the Sentinel drop rates across rarities are within the expected variance range. If we were to continue to track all rarities ad infinitum, I believe all rarities would balance out to around 1.5%.

Anyone knowledgeable about variance calculations is welcome to utilize the data on my sheet (linked in OP) to make some guesstimates.

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Here’s mine for this past week (Nov 27), sorting by rarity now.

20 Shards
2 Minor Traitstones

2 Torches
10 Amethysts
1 Token of Yasmine
3 Minor Traitstones

2 Bone Trinkets
2 Token of Anu

2 Torches

3 Token of Yasmine

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This week’s findings, sorted by room rarity:

Common (area 2): 2 minor Nature traitstone
Common (area 4): 2 minor Magic traitstone
Common (area 5): 5 emerald
Common (area 5): 2 minor Wind traitstone
Rare (area 2): 10 amethyst
Ultra rare (Area 1): 2 hex trinkets
Ultra rare (Area 1): 20 sapphire
Ultra rare (area 3): 2 torches
Ultra rare (area 3): 2 token of Orpheus
Ultra rare (area 3): 3 runic Earth traitstone
Epic (area 1): 2 token of Aranaea
Legendary (area 2): 3 arcane Spirit traitstone

Blah. Very little of value this week. So be it.

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= Area 1 =
Rare: 1 x Token (Anu)
Ultra-Rare: 2 x Torch

= Area 2 =
Rare: 10 x Writs
Rare: 2 x Torch
Ultra-Rare: 2 x Token (Gaard)

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Common: 1 x Token of Yasmine
Rare: 2 x Torches
Rare: 1 x Token of Anu
Ultra Rare: 2 x Bone Trinkets
Ultra Rare: 2 x Torches
Epic: 2 x Token of Orpheus
Epic: 2 x Torches

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Looks like blue is still part of Area 1, but I stand very much corrected on spawn limit. That’s a nice looking map.

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If sample size continues to come in and Epics still heavily underperforms relative to every other rarity, then it is something that may need to be looked at.

It’s one of those check everything moments.

For all we know, rates are meant to be near 1.7% and the Epic is just dragging it way down.

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Area 2:

Epic: x2 Token of Yasmine

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Epic: 2 torches
Legendary: 3 torches


Area 3:

Epic: x2 Token of Nysha

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Mythic: 5 diamonds

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Yeah, I think it was my first mythic one, it makes us think because of rarity it will gives something good, but we got data on this.


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