Treasure Guardian Community Drop Rates

rare: 10 writs
common: 5 topaz

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5 sapphires
20 shards
1x token of Yasmine
1x torch

1x token of Nysha
2 torches

2x token of Gaard
2 torches

2 torches

White question mark should be empty end as Area 1 already has 3 treasure rooms, Iā€™m not willing to buy a torch pack to make sure.
Looks to me like 9 treasure rooms and 15 empty ends - Iā€™m not impressed at all, to be honest.

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ā€“2 Minor Wind Traitstones
ā€“2 Minor Wind Traitstones
ā€“Token of Yasmine x1

ā€“Token of Anu x1

ā€“Vault Key

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yikes, thatā€™s some robbery. hopefully you didnā€™t have to buy too many torches from the lack of action

Common - 1 anu token
Common - 2 minor fire traitstones
Common - 20 shards
Rare -10 writs
Epic - 2 Gaard tokens
Ultra Rare - 2 Gaard tokend

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common: 5 garnet

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Here is all mine combinet. Hope you make sense of them Nerdie

Monday -
Common: 2 minor traitstones

Wednesday -
Rare: 2 torches

Thursday -
Common: 2 minor traitstones
Common: 2 minor traitstones

Saturday -
Mythic: 3 token of aranaea
Ultra-Rare: 2 token of anu
Ultra-Rare: 2 token of nysha
Rare: 3 minor traitstones

Sunday -
Epic: 1 vault key
Mythic: 5 diamonds
Common: 2 minor traitstones
Ultra-Rare: 2 nysha tokens
Ultra-Rare: 2 bone trinkets

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Common - 2 Minor Water Traitstones
Common - 2 Minor Fire Traitstones
Common - 2 Minor Wind Traitstones
Common - 5 Sapphires
Rare - 10 Topazes
UR - 2 Token of Yasmine
UR - 3 Runic Fire Traitstones
Epic - 2 Torches
Epic - 2 Token of Gaard
Epic - 2 Token of Orpheus
Legendary - 3 Torches

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3x Torches

20 Amethysts
2 Torches
2 Torches

3 Runic stones
2 Torches
2 Torches
2 trinckets

10 Sapphires
1 Gaard
3 minors

2 Minor stones
1 Torch
2 Minor stones

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If ā€œtrue probabilityā€ is supposed to be 50/50, youā€™ve landed on ā€œunluckyā€ but not super spectacularly so. The odds of only getting 9-of-24 is low, but itā€™s not like those odds are ā€œwin the U.S. Powerball Lotteryā€ unlikely.

But that also depends on some of the groupā€™s assumptions being true. The odds of a dead end having a Sentinel/treasure room being 50/50. A limit of 3 Sentinels/treasure rooms per region.

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Ultra-Rare - 2 torches
Ultra-Rare - 2 Wild trinkets
Ultra-Rare - 2 Bone trinkets

Common - 5 Emeralds
Common - 5 Amethysts
Common - 20 shards
Common - 20 shards

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This weekā€™s results:

Rare (area 1): 10 writs
Ultra Rare (area 1): 2 frost trinkets
Mythic (area 1): 3 Token of Yasmine
Common (area 2): 20 chaos shards
Epic (area 2): 2 wild trinkets
Rare (area 6): 3 minor Earth traitstones

I limited my Underspire spending this week ā€“ 150 x 5 + 50 x 2. I wouldnā€™t even have spent the 50 this morning except that my last torch this morning dropped me at an intersection with two Sentinels bordering it. Which is why I donā€™t have any Sentinel results from areas 3-5, because I managed to get through the Underspire pretty easily this week with a minimum of blind alleys ā€“ I managed to be very efficient in finding the gates between areas and then the dragons.

I just donā€™t see the Sentinel treasure chest Lottery as being worth spending Gems on. The rewards arenā€™t worth it to me unless I get a Sentinel from a chest, and the low odds of finding one combined with the primary kingdom progression impediment being Deeds means I donā€™t give it much value. Iā€™d much rather save my Gems for Merchants and play Explore given I still have a sizable number of troops to medal. The Underspire dragons are worth it in that regard because I can get Glory Orbs out of them; the Sentinels just donā€™t offer anything really necessary or useful beyond the super-rare drop.


Common - 2 x Minor Water Traitstones
Common - 1 x Token of Orpheus
Rare - 2 x Torches
Epic - 2 x Torches

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As always, fantastic hunting, everyone! I removed the Common drop Writs x10, as it was only reported once in 380 data points. Iā€™ll put it back on if itā€™s reported more, especially if thereā€™s a screenshot.

I assume you mean regular shards used in the Soulforge, not chaos shards, as those have not been reported in any of the drop pools. Can you confirm?

1227 results.

Sentinel drop rate estimate of 1.5% still holds.


Yeah, itā€™s Soulforge shards and not Chaos shards. My note-taking leaves something to be desired at times. (Not that Iā€™m lacking in either category right now.)

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This is starting to look direā€¦ outside of the sentinels, it looks like only legendary and mythic guardians are worth taking. epics too I guess, but only if you want that vault key enough to gamble for it.

My personal plan is to do the rarest rooms first, then the others if/when I have extra torches. Iā€™ll want the troops eventually, after all.


Area 1:

Rare: Token of Yasmine
Rare: 10 Writs
Mythic: 3x Token of Anu

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common: 2 minor fire traitstones

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