Traitstone costs 1.0.8

I think KAYA is actually trying to make everyone else on the forum look bad. That’s what this is. Yup.

You are so awesome, @KAYA43V3R! Thank you for this!

a joke…? i hope it is, because i don’t want to do it :slightly_smiling:

this people are awesome, not me


Yes. I was being sarcastic. This is brilliant and what I would have done myself if my computer and internet weren’t collectively giving me the finger for the last two to four weeks.

Update for Imp of Love 2016-02-08

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You should have said you… IMPlemented him !
That’s all for me, I’m out !

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Or E technically :stuck_out_tongue:

Great work Kaya! I will be consulting this often once traits drop on PS4. Assuming of course that they keep costs the same xD

Hey KAYA43V3R. I really love your work. Just wonder if it is possible for you to make a list(in a new topic-so it is easily to find) where one can seek up the troop name and have the name of each arcane needed over the troops? I am colorblind so its a bit hard for me to see what stones it is without the names on. Cheers

Well, you can use Sammy’s wiki.
For example, here is Anointed One :

You can see what traitstones are used to upgrade him, and if you can’t recognize the traistone because of your colorblindness, you could click a traitstone to have it’s image displayed bigger and entitled with its in game full name :slight_smile:

I might be a bit tough, but I couldnt find the name of the stones required. I would love to see the name of each stone, it confuses me so when it stays how many arcane it needs but not the name of the arcane. Even if the stones has the right colors for the specific arcanes, I just cant figure what their name is.

Go back on the link up there.
Find Anointed One’s trait details by the end of the page
Click any traitstone.
It will load the image in bigger.
On that screen, you can see the title of the picture “[title].png”
EDIT : However, you need to keep your mouse in movement over the image for the title to be displayed
Hopefully, Mr.Sammy named his pictures with the name of the traitstone

Alternatively, you can do a middle click (wheel click) to open the image in a new tab.
The tab will be entitled [title].png with title being the name of the traitstone


Thank you! :slightly_smiling:

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Thanks @Zelarith!

@Eika, I changed the template so the file name’s appear when you hover over the stone… It should be active for all troops in ~10-15 minutes.


Thanks a lot. Can’t thank you enough. If devs can move a Rock Worm from my account to yours, I do really be happy. :slightly_smiling:

I love Rock Worm! I use them as Bait to catch hydras!

I need to add all the work that Kaya did to the WIKI, it’s amazing.
However, I’m swamped right now.

Let me know if you have any other requests.

Thanks, again. I will pm you if I have something in mind. :slightly_smiling: You have done a great job with that site!

Very nice! Is there any easy way to make a list of traitstones by name instead of picture for each troop?

@Eika did it.

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Sorry, guess I should of said I need a list of traitstones (not traits, the actual traitstones) specifically.

Here is an example of what I am trying to accomplish:

Lets say I have Carnex and I want to get all of his traits completed since I have him at level 20. So I go to the list of troops and then look up Carnex, then under the traits button, there is a list of the traitstones, i.e…

Traitstones required for the next upgrade:

18 Minor Traitstones

10 Runic Fire Traitstones

10 Magic Traiststones

So here is where I run into problems, when I have another troop that is ready to have the a trait upgraded and it takes the same traitstones as my Carnex, I don’t want to be using them before I get my traitstones for Carnex first since he was my priority. Hope that makes better sense now.

Hence is why I am trying to get a list of all the traitstones (not traits) that are needed for each troop. Currently I have upgraded so many of my troops that I could not even make a complete list if I wanted to since the traitstones dissappear once I upgrade them. But my main goal is to not steal traitstones for one troop and accidently give them to another.