Trade ALL Extras

@Bramble Please please please ask the devs to add the functionality to trade all extra pet copies once it is at mythic (ie. if it is level 10 but fully levelled). This would be very helpful and time saving.


Trade for what? Extras already CAN be exchanged for extra pet food.
If you’re asking to be able to trade for a different pet - yeah, sorry, but realistically that’s not going to happen. Such a feature has never been part of this game and I don’t expect it ever will.

@Hi_Bob Your reply is funny because it is both condescending and ironically demonstrates a lack of understanding of the functionality I was referring to.


Sorry, was not trying to be condescending in any way. Why not simply explain what functionality you ARE referring to?

No no, sounds like they’re just requesting a Pet version of the “Disenchant All” button that we already have for Troops.

Currently, the “Trade Extras” button ONLY appears:

  • on a Pet that is Lv.20,
  • AND if you have >1 copy of said Pet

Otherwise, the button shown on the Pet screen is “Level Cap” instead, which will either: display their ascension (if they aren’t Mythic), or do literally nothing (when they are Mythic). – tangent, why is a Pet’s rarity color-coded by their current level instead of their max level? That’s not how it works for Troops…

Meaning, in order to trade off any pets for extra food, you have to find a Pet meeting both criteria, then click “Trade Extras” on each pet individually.

For example, I have … (checks) … well, actually no Pets that could demonstrate this currently, but I understand how this idea could be useful for those who aren’t constantly trading in extra pets after they hit Lv.20.

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Thanks, and I agree, the equivalent of a “Disenchant All” button for pets WOULD be helpful. I apologize for misunderstanding the original post.

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You are correct Stratelier. Thanks for elaborating. I believe you can still Trade extras if the pet is level 10 but fully ascended.

I agree with you the inconsistency should also be fixed - for example calling it ascending rather than levelled up, which is just confusing.