Tkh looking for players

Hi I am mina11018979 the leader of The killing Hunters. We are a very successful top guild, securing all 6 bonuses every week + Legendary tasks. Current Rank 9
We prefer a game structure in which everyone contributes their same minimum share. Our requirements are 520k Gold 300 cups and guild events. In addition, 1500 seals are expected. If you are interested in such a game structure and would like to join you are welcome to contact me.
Mfg Mina11018979

Hey there. I need a new guild :frowning:
My guild decided I wasnt good enough for them anymore :frowning:

I max my seals, get 100k a day, buy up to tier 3 in events. Iā€™m not sure what my average is with trophies anymore lol

I just really wanna be part of a guild that completes their tasks again AND actually reaches 40k seals :frowning:

Hello, we are currently full again but still have a 2 guild if you want to support them. LG