Tips for being guildmaster?

I’m in the process of becoming guildleader :fearful: :scream:
Iv been with the guild since iv started and really want to build it up for them. Just wondering if anyone has any advice, I would be so grateful to read them and many thanks in advance :slight_smile:


Listen to your people, they’re important.

Let them tell you what they’re comfortable with, but it’s also important for you to have a direction you want to take the guild.

casual or hardcore, how casual or hardcore.

Decide as a guild what kind of goals you all want to set. How many tasks you want to complete, etc.

Oh and lastly decide how long you want to allow someone to be inactive before kicking them. General rule is 7 days, but of course you can be more relaxed on that if you decide. :slight_smile:

Good luck! Just lean on your people, and you’ll do fine.


Ahh bless you Direwolf, Yes I will defiantly do that, I think its the recruiting that’s bothering me as not sure of best ways to do that. We will defiantly be a casual guild and building to well …middle core.
Thank you that makes sense.

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Yeah recruiting can be tough, but global chat is a real good place to recruit. (Channel 001) You can also start a guild recruitment thread on here if you haven’t already.



My advice is listen to the players. Happy players make a happy guild and you would get more from your guild if you meet this requirement lol.

You need to decide what you want from the guild, do you want to reach top ten in the guild rankings? Want to fun for first? Or you happy with top 500. Casual or hardcore as hk said above.

Also have a system where players can come to you in confidence, outside chatting app or forums. I made sure of this when I was a guildmaster.

And when you reach a point when you need to change something with the guild, do include your guildies opinions into it. You won’t be able to please every member either so don’t worry if a player leaves or have to kick them if they fail to meet the requirements you set or become inactive.

Encourage friendly competition between guildies as well, that’s always great craic. Like who can stay top 20 the longest, for example.

This is my two cents.



I will do that, and yes lol it will be tough as never had a talent for selling. But I will give it 100% and again many thanks

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And may even want to designate certain duties to player who truly love and want to stay in your guild. Like have someone specifically recruiting.


I would like to adopt some opinions from here, and maybe system of how you run your guild.



That’s brilliant advice too Nono, I truly will take that on board and will create a facebook page so people can talk to me personally. Thank you sooo much to you and direwolf, I actually feel a lot better about being GM and a little excited :triumph:

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All advice is greatly welcome here psydotogist and that’s what I need to discuss with the rest of the team,

I was thinking of making the hardcore players recruits so they can more included and hopefully take the pressure off of me to recruit :relieved:

And last piece of advice and I do find it one to be quite important.

Whatever you ask from your guild, you have to do it yourself too. If you set your requirements to be 250trophies, well you will need to ensure that you go above that every week. (Or a least meet it)

I believe I covered everything :slight_smile:


Nono you are amazing and defiantly covered everything, I love this game way too much so will complete all challenges. I’m so glad I posted as now I know what I’m doing. so many thanks :slight_smile:

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Be consistent in enforcing guild rules. You can be casual to hardcore, and as long as people know everyone is being treated equally well, they can decide if they fit the guild or not.

If you get a poisonous person, kick them sooner rather than later. There can be people that are excitable and may say something dumb in the heat of the moment, and then there are the poisonous ones who will insult their guildmates continuously.


The most important things have been said :

  • listen to your guildmates
  • be clear about what you want for your guild and inform your guildmates clearly
  • communicate
  • be sure that you can make your own requirements

For recruiting, it is a matter of tastes. I prefer the forum to global, because I like to discuss quietly with the applicants and gather some information than recruit someone I know nothing about and have some bad surprises. Having people helping you for recruiting is a good idea, requiring the advice of some guildies you trust on the potential recruits can help too, but the final decision should be always yours, I think, because only you know what you want for your guild. The same could be said for all the important décisions.

There is a fine line between funny competition/motivation and stress/pressure that should never be crossed. I never create myself competition Inside the guild, I prefer to let my guildmates do it by themselves and decide how far they want to push it. I am rather in favour of having everyone working together on common goals that are not too easy, so there can be a little challenge but not too difficult to achieve so people don’t get disheartened.

  • become yourself a good example you want ppl to follow, also the members who you see beiing a good example - promote them

  • make sure to be online often enough to see the guild mates responses and if you cannot - assign someone who will do it, so they never feel abandoned

  • encourage ppl for the good actions they take, and encourage them for encouraging each other, like thanking for guild keys purchase or noticing their high donation or pvp score

  • make sure the rules/policies you want ppl to follow are clear and visible (you can set some short version of it in the notice on top of guild chat )


Do what you say you will, so your guildmates can trust you and believe in you. Help them progress in the game if you can. For example, in our guild we compltetd blue tasks first the week so everyone could get dragon armor if they didn’t already have it. We’re doing the same next week for celestial armor. I freely admit that I stole this idea from someone in global chat who mentioned their guild had done it; I’m sorry I can’t remember who it was.

Be the kind of guild master you would want to follow.


that’s a good point about a poisonous members, I will keep an eye out often. I wont be tolerating that esox :unamused: The game is meant to be fun and not a battle ground :slight_smile:

Make you set CLEAR and REALISTIC goals for the guild.

Recruiting isn’t just a hassle, it can become a full-time job if you’re regularly turning over membership.


Remember it is a game - not something that goes on a resume. Things happen in life that affect folks ability to even get in touch with people.

Don’t be a jerk, don’t let the title become something more than it really is. I know that everyone above has mentioned listen to your guildmates, be kind, and such. However there is a dark side 'guildmasters" the one that you put some authoritative value on your word instead of guidance. Treat everyone (new and seasoned) as if they have a brain, they are there to contribute and are valued. Be clear up front; If you want rules about additional activities such as giving advice, answering questions, strategy in game, even if it differs from others.

And remember at the end of the day, it’s just a game. The people become friends, if you make your guild something to be friends with.